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[Windows 10 & Above] How do I connect to the PSU wireless?


8.0 - Updated on 11-03-2023 by Chuck Enfield (cae104)

7.0 - Updated on 11-03-2023 by Chuck Enfield (cae104)

6.0 - Updated on 08-19-2023 by Chuck Enfield (cae104)

5.0 - Updated on 08-19-2023 by Chuck Enfield (cae104)

4.0 - Updated on 06-09-2023 by Caleb Christenson (crc5749)

3.0 - Updated on 04-27-2023 by Caleb Christenson (crc5749)

2.0 - Updated on 04-20-2023 by Chuck Enfield (cae104)

1.0 - Authored on 04-20-2023 by Rich Mellinger (ram219)

Article Intended For

Penn State faculty, staff, and students that would like to connect their Windows device to either the psu or eduroam wireless networks.


Windows devices require complex configuration to connect to the Penn State's authenticated Wi-Fi networks.  Penn State partners with SecureW2 to assist in setup.  The following instructions will walk you through the process of downloading and installing the necessary software.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Install Wireless

  1. Connect to a Wi-Fi network with Internet access.  If on campus, psu-guest is recommended.
    • If you connect to psu-guest, when the welcome page loads, click "Accept & Connect" to get Internet access.
  2. Open a web browser and go to  This will take you to the SecureW2 site.
  3. When the page loads, confirm that it says Windows.  If it does not, use the picklist at the bottom right of the page to select Windows.
  4. Click the JoinNow button.
  5. Go to your Downloads folder.
  6. Open the wireless file "WiFi_Pennsylvania_State_University_Wrapper" that you downloaded.
  7. Enter your Access Account ID in the format:
  8. Enter your Access Account password.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Once "Joined" is displayed, click Done.
  11. If the psu network is in range, you should connect to it automatically.  You will have to manually connect to the eduroam network.

Uninstall Wireless

Note: It is not necessary to uninstall SecureW2 in order to reinstall.  The installer will overwrite existing files.

  1. Click on the Start Menu (bottom left is the default location.)
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Apps. (Or Apps and Features, depending on some versions of Windows.)
  4. Scroll down to find Penn State SecureW2. 
  5. Right-click and uninstall. (You might have to type in your Admin or System password.)
