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Pinnacle - Access Billing Details by Budget


2.0 - Updated on 09-26-2019 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

1.0 - Authored on 11-16-2017 by Andrea Yoder (aly5094)


  1. Hover your mouse over Accounts and then select Accounts Billing

  2. Click the Search button to see the list of budgets you have been authorized to view.

  3. Click the hyper-linked (underlined) Billing Date of the budget you wish to review.

  4. Click the View Report button to see billing details.  (Due to browser settings, you may need to click the button a second time to see the report.  To print the report, right click on the report and select Print.)

  5. If you would prefer to export the billing details to Excel, instead of clicking the View Report button, hover your mouse over Accounts > Accounts Billing and then select either Non-Usage Charges or Usage Charges on the banner at the side of the page.  Then click the icon with the downward arrow  to export the details.  This will generate a CSV icon at the bottom left side of the page.  Open the CSV file and then save it as an Excel document.

  6. To view a different budget, go to the "bread crumbs" at the top left corner of the screen (ex: Account Billing > budget x) and click on "Account Billing" to return you to the initial view including all of the budgets you have been authorized to view.




If you have any issues accessing the Pinnacle application, please contact