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Pinnacle - Access Billing Details by Budget


2.0 - Updated on 09-26-2019 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

1.0 - Authored on 11-16-2017 by Andrea Yoder (aly5094)

Article Intended For

Penn State Faculty and Staff who use Pinnacle


This article describes how to search and view account billing data by account and billing date.

For other topics and information about Pinnacle, see Pinnacle - General Information and Support.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Click on Accounts and then select Accounts Billing.
  2. Click the Search button to see the list of budgets you have been authorized to view.

    Note: Wildcard search is available using character ‘%’.  This can be helpful if user permissions include many budgets (example Account Number searches ‘0000123%’ to return all budgets that begin with ‘0000123’, ‘000012%’ to return all budgets that begin with ‘000012’ to return budgets ‘0000123…’ and ‘0000124…’, or ‘%IT%’ to return all budgets that may have a cost center with reference to an IT budget. The wildcard search can also be used in the Account Name field.

  3. Click the billing date of the budget you wish to review (such as 25-AUG-2019 in the example below).
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To view the billing details, click the View Report button.  (Due to browser settings, you may need to click the button a second time to see the report or refresh the Outputs page if it appears that the report is still running. If a report is still processing, the following image appears next to it:  . When a report is done processing, the following image appears:  .  To print the report, right-click on the report and select Print.)
    • To export the billing details a CSV format file:
      1. Hover your mouse over Accounts > Accounts Billing > [selected account] and then select either Non-Usage Charges or Usage Charges.
      2. Then click the download icon to export the details.

        This will generate a CSV icon at the bottom left side of the page. Open the CSV file and then save it as the desired file type.
  5. To view a different budget, navigate to Account Billing in the breadcrumb trail located at the top of the screen (for example, Account Manager > Accounts > Accounts Billing > [selected account]). This will return you to the Accounts profile page with a pre-populated list of the budgets that you have been authorized to view.


For other topics and information about Pinnacle, see Pinnacle - General Information and Support.

If you have questions about Pinnacle or issues accessing Pinnacle, use one of the following methods to submit a service request: