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Research: Cores - Add Member To Department


Article Intended For

PSU Core iLab Department Financial Manager


Step by step instructions for a PSU Core iLab Department member to add a member to their department.

Department  –  has labs (groups)

  • allows for financial approvals to be escalated to the departmental level and allows for reporting at this level. 
  • CANNOT request services - if a person can, then they are also part of a lab
  • CANNOT approve funds - only fund owner can approve funds for use

For each lab (group), the department member can:

  • Grant access to a lab (group) by a new member
  • Adjust lab (group) settings
  • Financial Approval for a lab (group) member's service request from a core
  • View Invoices
  • Change Invoice details

Article Body



  1. Navigate to the department by clicking on the Hamburger Menu and hovering over My Departments
  2. Go to Members tab
  3. Enter name of iLab user in the box
  4. Click Search to find the the user
  5. Click Invite to add the user to the department


Screenshot of where to click to follow instructions
