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Research: Internal Approval Form (IAF) Email Schedule - Workflow Emails


Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems.


This article goes over the types of IAF Workflow Emails sent to different staff members.

Article Body


Workflow Emails

Email Subject

Email Purpose


Proposal awaiting Submitting AOR Initial Approval

Sent in PIAF pre-workflow when DEU completes entry and requires approval for IAF to start workflow

DRA and AORs


Award awaiting Submitting AOR Initial ApprovalSent after Proposal IAF is transitioned to Award IAF and additional information is required from the submitting unit to submit.  Required information is typically protocol numbers.Primary PI, Submitting Unit AORs

Internal Approval Form (IAF) awaiting PI approval

Sent at the start of workflow of a PIAF to the Primary PI for their approval

Primary PI

Proposal [Award] awaiting Department Head approval

Sent after Primary PI approval to the submitting unit department head and PI’s department head for their approval

Submitting Unit Department Head, Investigators Department Head

Internal Approval Form (IAF) awaiting your approval

Sent after Primary PI approval to all other investigators listed for their approval


[Proposal] Award awaiting your approval

Sent when the VPR appears in the approval path, typically due to escalation rules, and the VPR approval is pending.


[Proposal] Award awaiting College Dean approval

Sent when the College Dean appears in the approval path, typically due to escalation rules, and the College Dean approval is pending.

College Dean

Proposal awaiting Research Dean approval

Sent when the Research Dean appears in the approval path, typically due to escalation rules, and the Research Dean approval is pending.

Research Dean

Proposal awaiting AOR approval

Sent after all investigators and department heads have approved to unit AOR’s for their approval

Investigators AOR

Proposal awaiting submitting AOR approval

Sent after all approvals have been completed to submitting AOR for final IAF approval and submitted to central office.

Submitting AOR

Proposal [Award] recalled

Sent when a proposal [award] is recalled from workflow

Submitting Unit AORs and any pending approvers

Proposal [Award] restarting workflow

Sent when workflow is restarted

Submitting Unit AORs and any pending approvers

ACTION REQUIRED:  Revision Request

Notifies College that CPO has returned the IAF, and provides supporting information, if provided. 

Submitting Unit AORSs + DRAs
