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LionPATH Tips and Tricks


Article Intended For

Student Affairs staff who use the Emergency and Missing Persons Contact Information LionPATH queries


This article provides pointers for searching LionPATH queries.

Article Body

Add Query to Favorites

If you use a query frequently, you can set it as one of your Favorites by clicking the Favorite link located to the right of the query. Your My Favorite Queries list will display each time you access Query Viewer.

You can remove a query from the My Favorite Queries list by clicking the minus icon in the Remove column.


Magnifying Glass

For prompts with a magnifying glass, click it to lookup and/or select from available values.


% Wildcard

The % (percent symbol) serves as a wildcard and can be used when you know only a few values for your search criteria.

Entering a % before a string acts as a lookup for values that end with the string. In the example below, %FRATERNITY was entered into the Addr 1 prompt. The results list students whose Addr 1 fields ends with Fraternity.

Entering a % after a string acts as a lookup for values that begin with the string, but has various values after the string. In the example below, 123% was entered into the Addr 1 prompt. The results list those students whose Addr 1 field begins with 123.

Entering a % before and after a string acts as a lookup for values that contain the string. In the example below, %MAPLE% was entered into the Addr 1 prompt. The results list those students whose Addr 1 fields contains Maple.
