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Article Intended For

Student Affairs staff with access to student emergency and missing persons contact information in LionPATH


The PE_RP_ECIS_BY_LOCAL_ADDRESS query allows searching by off-campus local address information. The query also contains a toggle to search for only active (default) or active and inactive students.

Descriptions for each prompt are

  • Addr Type: Do not change: This prompt should remain LOC = Local Address
  • Addr 1 is LIKE (pattern match): Address 1 information
  • Addr 2 is LIKE (pattern match): Address 2 information
  • City is LIKE: City
  • State: State
  • Post is LIKE: ZIP code
  • Country: Country
  • Only term active students? Yes: Checking box (default value) will only list students active and eligible to enroll in the current term; unchecking box will list all active and then inactive students who meet the other search criteria

Step-by-Step Instructions

Additional instructions specific to the PE_RP_ECIS_BY_LOCAL_ADDRESS - Search by LOC Address query

  • Local address is the last local address on record and may not be the student’s current local address. The information is manually entered by students and may include misspellings, abbreviations and/or other inaccuracies.
  • Prompts with is LIKE in the title (PSU ID, Campus, Last Name and First Name) must be an exact match of the search criteria UNLESS the % (wildcard) is also used.

Information about using the % (wildcard) while searching is available in LionPATH Tips and Tricks.

Search example

In the following example, a search for students with a local address that includes Fraternity was conducted.

  1. Enter %Fraternity% into the Addr 1 prompt.
  2. Click View Results.

The results display active students whose local address contains Fraternity is the Address 1 field.

  1. To view the student’s emergency contact information, click on the PSU ID.

  1. The PE_RP_ECIS_CONTACT_INFO results will display for the selected student.

Note: Missing Persons Contact Information will only display if it was provided by the student. Otherwise, the data will be absent (as in the example below).
