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Research: SIMS - How to request SIMS person profile change


3.0 - Updated on 01-31-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

2.0 - Updated on 11-21-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

1.0 - Authored on 07-14-2021 by Kathy Butler (kvb5743)

Article Intended For

All University faculty, staff, researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems.


These instructions will describe the process of how to request SIMS person profile change.

Article Body

Below is the process for requesting a change to an existing SIMS person profile.  Changes can be name, department affiliation or address changes.

  1. From IAF menu bar select Request Add Person

  2. Add Person form will display
  3. Validate PSU Access Account ID by selecting "red" lookup icon
  4. When PSU Access Account ID is validated, the lookup icon will appear "green" 
  5. If the user has a SIMS profile, the profile information will import into the form
  6. If you are changing the Department Affiliation, the affiliation must be validated
  7. Once all required fields are completed the Submit button is enabled.
  8. You will receive a message at the bottom of the form and an email confirming the request will be sent from
  9. You will receive an email confirmation once the requested change is completed.

For more information, please contact
