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EfficientIP: Create a Static DHCP Reservation (Static DHCP)


12.0 - Updated on 09-06-2024 by Walter Reese (wjr14)

11.0 - Updated on 12-15-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

10.0 - Updated on 12-10-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

9.0 - Updated on 12-10-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

8.0 - Updated on 11-23-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

7.0 - Updated on 09-24-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

6.0 - Updated on 09-23-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

Article Intended For

Penn State faculty, staff, students, and affiliates who manage IP addresses for Penn State resources.


This article describes how to create a static DHCP reservation using EfficientIP.

For additional information, including general considerations for working with EfficientIP, see KB0017048, Getting Started with EfficientIP.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Note to authors: Formatting for this article is partially defined in <style> elements included in the HTML of the intro and body sections. (This note is automatically hidden when published but may still appear in search results.)
  1. Log in to the EfficientIP portal.
  2. If necessary, click the menu button in the upper left corner of the portal to expand the sidebar.
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  3. In the Sidebar, click IPAM and then click Networks.
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  4. To filter the list, enter part of the desired address in Address + prefix.
     image resized to 80%
  5. Find the CIDR for the desired subnet and click on it.
    The Gateway Address for the subnet is NOT marked and will appear to be available! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT ASSIGN THE GATEWAY ADDRESS TO THE DNS HOST!
  6. Do one of the following to specify an IP address:
    1. Click the Add by search button (the one with the magnifying glass  image resized to 60%).
    2. In the Search Result screen, select the desired IP address. 
    3. Click Next.

    1. Click the Add button ( image resized to 50%).
    2. In IP address, enter the desired IP address.
  7. In MAC address, enter the MAC address.
  8. Click the Inherit, Restrict icon next to Create DHCP static.
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  9. Click Inheritance property and choose Set.
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  10. Check the box next to Create DHCP static to select it.
  11. If you'd like to set a static DNS name for the record, do the following:
    1. Check the box next to Use IPAM name instead of DHCP client name to select it.
    2. Do one of the following to specify the domain name:
      1. In Shortname, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) manually.

      1. In Shortname, enter the shortname. (Do not include the trailing period.)
      2. Click the Inherit, Restrict icon next to Domain.
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      3. Click Inheritance property and choose Set.
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      4. Click OK.
      5. Click Domain and select the appropriate domain.
    3. Verify that the FQDN appears correctly in IP address name.
  12. Click Next.
  13. If you'd like to add an alias do the following:
    1. In Type, select the type of alias.
    2. In Name, enter a shortname for the alias.
      Each CNAME must be unique. A CNAME cannot have the same name as a DNS Zone or any other type of RR.
    3. In Domain, select the appropriate domain.
    4. Verify the alias appears correctly in Alias list.
    5. Click ADD.
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      If you do not click Add, the alias record will not be created.
    6. If you like, repeat these steps to add additional aliases.
  14. Click OK.

To Get Help

For questions, or to get help with EfficientIP, submit a request via our Penn State IP Address Management Request form in ServiceNow.