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Telephony - How to manage your Greetings


3.0 - Updated on 05-03-2023 by Brent Korman (bak175)

2.0 - Updated on 06-02-2020 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

1.0 - Authored on 10-28-2016 by Brent Korman (bak175)



Faculty and Staff


How to manager your voicemail Greetings (for those with Cisco VoIP voicemail).

The Standard, Alternate, and Holiday greetings are available.  Each greeting can be modified as often as the user wishes.

The Alternate Greeting is an 'announcement only' and callers will not be able to record a message. This can be useful for cases such as a professor's sabbatical when the user will be away for a long period of time and unresponsive to voicemail messages.

The Holiday Greeting will only be active during the official University Holiday schedule (users can choose to enable or disable this greeting).  If enabled, an appropriate message will need to be recorded, or the greeting will simply be the default of the user's name.


To Manage Greetings on your phone:

  1. Press the [Voicemail] button.  [Or call your voicemail number (example: 814-865-4090 at University Park).]
  2. Enter your PIN and then press #.  [If calling into the voicemail system, you will first be prompted to enter your ID and press # (example: your 5 digit extension at University Park).]
  3. Follow the voice prompts to record the greeting(s)
  4. To add or remove options (caller input) to the call handler, submit requests via the EIT Telephony Services Request form.

To Manage Greetings from the portal:

  1. Go to "".  (You'll be prompted to login with your Penn State AccessID and Password.)
  2. Click on "Voicemail".
  3. Click on "Settings".
  4. Click on "Greetings".
  5. Click on "View Greetings".
  6. To record a new greeting, click on either Standard, Alternate, or Holiday.
    1. Under "Status", select the status you want.
    2. Under "Callers Hear", the default selection is "System Default Greeting", which is the user's recorded name.  If you wish to record a greeting, select "My Personal Recording".
    3. If using a headset tied to your computer or the mic on your computer, click on the record button and listen for a beep before stating your new greeting.  Then click the stop button  which will be bold during the recording.
      1. If you would prefer to receive a system generated call, in the field "Number or URI", enter the extension or external number (just as you would normally dial it from your phone, including the '8' in front of an external number) to which you want a call made so that you can record your name  and then click on record button.
    4. If you wish to review your recording, click the run button 
    5. If you wish to adjust the volume of your greeting, click on the volume function 
    6. If you wish to adjust the speed of your greeting, click on the speed function 
  7. Click on [Save]
  8. To retain a recorded Greeting for future use prior to recording a new Greeting (example: you have a lengthy standard greeting, but you want to record a special, temporary greeting), click the download button and then save the .wav file to a location of your choice.
  9. To upload the .wav file in the future, click the upload button  and locate the .wav file to upload (differences by browser).
  10. Click on [Save]

To Change your recorded Name from the portal:

  1. Go to "".  (You'll be prompted to login with your Penn State AccessID and Password.)
  2. Click on "Voicemail".
  3. Click on "Settings".
  4. Click on "Preferences".
  5. Click on "Personal".
  6. If using a headset tied to your computer or the mic on your computer, click on the record button and listen for a beep before stating your name.  Then click the stop button  which will be bold during the recording.
    1. If you would prefer to receive a system generated call, in the field "Number or URI", enter the extension or external number (just as you would normally dial it from your phone, including the '8' in front of an external number) to which you want a call made so that you can record your name  and then click on record button.
  7. If you wish to review your recording, click the run button 
    1. If you wish to adjust the volume of your greeting, click on the volume function 
    2. If you wish to adjust the speed of your greeting, click on the speed function 
  8. Click on [Save]