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SIMBA: Using the Search feature to find a Labor Distribution Plan in Mendix


6.0 - Updated on 11-06-2024 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

5.0 - Updated on 11-06-2024 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

4.0 - Updated on 11-06-2024 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

3.0 - Updated on 12-13-2023 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

2.0 - Updated on 12-13-2023 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

1.0 - Authored on 03-14-2022 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

Article Intended For

This article is intended for SIMBA users


As more Labor Distribution (LD) plans are created in Mendix the volume will continue to increase to where you are asked to search for an LD plan by either the department and fiscal year or by the PSUID.

Article Body

As more Labor Distribution (LD) plans are created in Mendix the volume will continue to increase to where you are asked to search for an LD plan by either the department and fiscal year or by the PSUID.


You can search for a labor distribution plan either by the department and fiscal year or PSU ID

To help users find the PSU Id they can use the HCM PERNR Details Report tile.  This tile can be found in the HCM Admin Reports Group.  Users can search by SAP PERNR, Name, AccessID, Business Area or SAP Position number among other filters to find the PSUID needed.

To find a PSU ID, the PSU Id they can use the HCM PERNR Details Report tile

The HCM PERNR Details Report screen.