Article Intended For
PSU iLab Lab (group) Principal Investigator (PI) or Lab Manager
Step by step instructions for PSU iLab Lab (group) PI or Lab Manager to add a member to their lab to request services.
Three levels available to add a member (can be changed later)
- member - can request services from a core, can request access to a fund (will need approval)
- manager - can request services from a core, can request access to a fund (will need approval), can assign approved funds to lab (group) members, can add other members
- principal_investigator - can perform all tasks needed
Once a member is added then they can be made a "Core Financial Contact" (adds the dollar sign icon) and can perform financial approval for requests and will get email notifications.
More information for permissions is available Research: Cores - Table of user permissions for tasks in iLab
Article Body
- Navigate to the lab (group) by clicking on the Hamburger Menu and hovering over My Groups
- Go to Members tab
- Click Link Existing User
- Enter member name to be added in the new box
- Select member, manager, or principal_investigator (more information on differences above)
- Click Invite
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Email PSU Cores Support - email to ask a question or request support from PSU ORIS
Agilent iLab Help Site - help site from the software designers of iLab
Email Agilent iLab Support - email to ask a question or request support from Agilent
PSU Core Facilities - request services from PSU Cores