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Research: Cores - Add Member To Lab (group)


2.0 - Updated on 07-23-2024 by Matthew Ulrich (muu110)

1.0 - Authored on 07-23-2024 by Matthew Ulrich (muu110)

Article Intended For

PSU iLab Lab (group) Principal Investigator (PI) or Lab Manager


Step by step instructions for PSU iLab Lab (group) PI or Lab Manager to add a member to their lab to request services. 

Three levels available to add a member (can be changed later)

  • member - can request services from a core, can request access to a fund (will need approval)
  • manager - can request services from a core, can request access to a fund (will need approval), can assign approved funds to lab (group) members, can add other members
  • principal_investigator - can perform all tasks needed 

Once a member is added then they can be made a "Core Financial Contact" (adds the dollar sign icon) and can perform financial approval for requests and will get email notifications. 

More information for permissions is available Research: Cores - Table of user permissions for tasks in iLab

Article Body


  1. Navigate to the lab (group) by clicking on the Hamburger Menu and hovering over My Groups
  2. Go to Members tab
  3. Click Link Existing User
  4. Enter member name to be added in the new box
  5. Select member, manager, or principal_investigator (more information on differences above)
  6. Click Invite


screen shot of places to click
