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Canvas: Merging Courses


7.0 - Updated on 08-09-2024 by Megan Furchner (mvf5061)

6.0 - Updated on 09-05-2023 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

5.0 - Updated on 03-15-2021 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

4.0 - Updated on 02-17-2021 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

3.0 - Updated on 04-08-2020 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

2.0 - Updated on 06-13-2019 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

1.0 - Authored on 08-30-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

Before You Merge Courses

Please consider the following important information before merging any courses:

Use the links below to learn how to ready your courses for merging, merge multiple course sections into a single combined course and work with merged courses in Canvas.

  1. Prepare Courses for Merging

  2. Merge or Unmerge Course Sections

  3. After Merging Courses