Article Intended For
All university faculty, staff, researchers using Penn State Research Information Systems
SIMSReports Document Manager allows users to display, insert, replace, move, and change User Keys of documents associated with SIMSReports Proposals, Negotiations, and Awards.
Article Body
Accessing Document Manager
Document Manager is only available to SIMSReports users in the "docmgr" group. It may be accessed from the SIMSReports Welcome page, on the Applications menu, or from Proposal, Negotiation, or Award Manager as the "Document" link:
The links are presented only to users with access to this function.
Selecting Log / OSP
- Click the "Find" button in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen: A dropdown dialog box will appear, with an input field for a Log / OSP number, and radio buttons to select Log or OSP.
- Enter the desired Log / OSP number, then select which type of record (Log or OSP) you wish to retrieve:
The screen will refresh with that record's information and a list of documents.
Screen Layout
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar contains the Find button, the Close button (clicking this closes the browser window), and the "Managers" dropdown. The Managers dropdown contains choices of: Proposal, Negotiation, and Award. Selecting any choice switches to that Manager.
On this row, at the left margin, a large button showing the current choice (OSP or Log, and the number selected), along with a "report" icon () is displayed. Clicking the "report" icon calls up the Statement of Proposal, Statement of Award, or Negotiation Summary, as appropriate.
Near the right margin is a "goto" button. Clicking this button will display Document Manager for a related Log record (if currently viewing an OSP record) or OSP record (if currently viewing a Log record).
Record Details
Detailed information for the Log / OSP record is shown in this area. Details include Sponsor, PI, College/Department, Period of Performance, Title, and Status. All this information is read-only and cannot be changed on this screen.
Message / Upload / Undelete
On this row, clicking the leftmost icon ( "Redisplay Processing Message") will display the message from any previous Document Management operation. For example, if you just completed changing a document's User Keys or Folder, the message, "Document Keys were Updated" will be displayed.
To the right of the "Redisplay Processing Message" icon is a count of documents retrieved for display on this screen.
To the right of this row is a button," Upload New Document". Click this button to begin to upload another document to the list for this record.
At the far right of this row is a button, " Undelete Documents". Click this button to transition to the "Undelete documents" screen. This option is only available to users in the "docdel" group.
Document List
This section displays documents associated with the current record. Only documents for the exact Log / OSP record being displayed are shown; no associated record's documents appear on this screen.
The document list is shown as a table, with column headers. Clicking the column headers "Folder", "User Keys", or "Updated" will sort the list of documents by the values in that column.
"Actions" column in the Document List
Meaning (applies to the document shown in the same row)
| |
View the document. The document will be displayed in a different browser window (or a different application window, depending on your browser configuration) | |
Edit User Keys. A dialog box will be shown that allows the user to change the description of the document. | |
Replace Document. A dialog box will be shown that allows the user to upload a revised version of the document, and also to change the description as in "Edit Keys". | |
Move. A dialog box will be shown that allows the user to move the document into a different Folder, and/or a different Log/OSP record. | |
Delete. A dialog box will be shown to verify that the document should be removed from the record. |
Note: For some users, or for some Folders, only the View action is available. The Delete option is only shown if the user is in the "docdel" group.
Uploading a New Document
- To add a document to the list, two items are required: the document itself, and its Folder.
- Documents must be type PDF.
- The Folder must be selected from the dropdown list. Here is the list of Folder choices.
- Depending on the Folder selected, there are predefined "Miscellaneous" choices available. For example, if the selected Folder is "SIGN-OFF/WAIVER REQUEST", the Miscellaneous choices include "NDA, Completed", "NDA, Not Signed", "NSF Safety Plan - DRAFT", "NSF Safety Plan - OEOA Approved", "NSF Safety Plan - Submitted to NSF." After selecting the Folder, click the dropdown icon next to Miscellaneous and then select from the list using a mouse click. The text of the Miscellaneous field is editable, whether you start with a predefined choice or not.
- "Part" and "Amendment" are digits-only.
- "Subcontractor" is free-form; refer to your office guidelines for the correct abbreviations to use for this field.
Replacing a Document
The "Replace Document" dialog allows the user to upload a revised or corrected version of a document that has already been uploaded. The document Folder may not be changed by this operation, but the descriptive keys may be changed. The document being replaced will be moved to the "Deleted Documents" area for the current record. As in the New Document dialog, "Part" and "Amendment" are digits-only, while "Subcontractor" is free-form; refer to your office guidelines for the correct abbreviations to use for this field.
Move Document to another Log or OSP record
The "Move Document" dialog box allows the user to change the Log / OSP number where the document is listed (and to change between a Log record and an OSP record). The Folder may be changed as well.
Delete Document
The "Delete Document" dialog box allows the user a chance to confirm that the document should in fact be removed from the list for that Log / OSP record. Once confirmed, the document will be moved to the "Deleted Documents" area for the current record. It will not be available for display from any SIMS function (e.g., Documents tab on any Manger, or document list on any Statement).