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Research: How to request a SIMS Sponsor/Subrecipient Addition


4.0 - Updated on 01-10-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

3.0 - Updated on 01-10-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

2.0 - Updated on 03-07-2022 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

1.0 - Authored on 08-30-2021 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems.


Below is the process for requesting a SIMS sponsor or SIMS subrecipient profile addition for use on an IAF, budget or PSSUB.


Article Body

  • From the IAF menu bar, select Request Add Sponsor

  • From the PSSUB menu bar, select Request Add Subrecipient


  • Add Sponsor form will display in a new browser window
  • Required fields are marked with an *


    1. Sponsor Name
    2. The first line of Address
    3. City
    4. State and ZIP Code, or (foreign) Country
    5. Web URL or EIN
    6. Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) (added 3/2022)
  • If a sponsor address is available, it's always best to include it.  Please note that this address will be the default address when the sponsor is validated.
  • If the sponsor is a subsidiary of a larger parent sponsor, please include the name of the parent sponsor.
  • Provide any additional details that will help you identify the purpose of the sponsor, for your reference.
  • Provide the Unique Entity Identifier if known.  (optional)
  • Once all required fields are populated, the Submit Request button is enabled.
  • When the request is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email of your request from
  • If the UEI is populated on a request, a copy of the sponsor request is also sent to for validation of UEI.
  • The request window can now be closed.
  • You will receive a confirmation reply after the sponsor profile is created.

Please note that all sponsor requests are subject to denied party screening through the Office of Ethics and Compliance.



For more information, please contact
