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ORIS-SIMS: IAF Data Entry - Summary


6.0 - Updated on 08-30-2024 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

5.0 - Updated on 02-05-2024 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

4.0 - Updated on 07-28-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

3.0 - Updated on 09-14-2021 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

2.0 - Updated on 09-13-2021 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

1.0 - Authored on 07-19-2021 by Kameron Dangleben (kxd337)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers using Penn State Research Information Systems


The Summary tab is a compilation of all the data entered from each individual tab. This article displays and goes over what is contained within the Summary tab.

Article Body

IAF Data Entry - Summary

The Summary tab is a compilation of all the data entered from each individual tab.The tabs below are displayed in sections on form.  The data on the Summary form cannot be changed.  It must be changed in each individual tab and may need to be recalled to change the data.  This summary can also be printed to a pdf.  Unanswered questions that are required for submission appear in special formatting to aid in highlighting incomplete areas of the form.

Questions with a   must be completed before the IAF can be submitted.

The Summary Tab shows a compilation of all the data entered from each individual tab.

If an account is created in SIMBA, related account creation fields will display in place of the AURA creation fields as follows: