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Research: SIMSbudgets - How to update GL budget line item to reflect Data Management and Sharing Costs (DMSP)


8.0 - Updated on 03-04-2025 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

7.0 - Updated on 01-30-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

6.0 - Updated on 12-20-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

5.0 - Updated on 02-15-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

4.0 - Updated on 02-08-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

3.0 - Updated on 01-11-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

2.0 - Updated on 01-10-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

1.0 - Authored on 01-10-2023 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

Article Intended For

All University faculty, staff, researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems, specifically those with access to SIMSbudgets


This article advises users where within a General Ledger (GL) budget line item a user is able to indicate if costs are Data Management and Sharing Costs (DMSP) and also details when the indicator appears on each category line item. 

Article Body

SIMSbudgets users have the ability to update any category line item being added or existing on a SIMSbudgets by updating a checkbox that indicates Data Management and Sharing Costs (DMSP).

The DMSP indicator was added to SIMSbudgets as a result of NIH Policy on Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy (effective January 25, 2023) to promote the sharing of scientific data.  Users are able to update a DMSP checkbox on the "GL Line Item Editor" for each: Cat I, Cat II, Cat III, Cat IV, Cat V, MTDC and TDC.   This indicator will signify Data Management and Sharing Costs and can be used with the Budget "Group By" and "Print View" feature.

  • The DMSP checkbox will appear on all line items on a SIMSbudgets when the sponsor or prime sponsor falls under the DHHS hierarchy.
  • F&A is calculated for the line item as per Budget Basis Selected, any F&A calculated for the Line Item will remain totaled in the IDC total as normal.
  • When a salary line item has DMSP indicated, the Data Management and Sharing Costs will only include direct salary and fringe.
  • The DMSP checkbox will NOT appear for subaward GL codes (MTDC: 52690100 and TDC: 52690500)
  • NOTE:  The DMSP checkbox will NOT appear if the sponsor has not been validated yet on SIMSbudgets.  If a user does not see the DMSP box when sponsor falls under DHHS hierarchy, user should ensure the sponsor has been validated by reviewing the "Budget Parameters" screen for the SIMS budget.  If the checkmark does not appear next to the Sponsor, this means it has not been validated.  Use the magnifying glass to update sponsor so that it is validated.  Below screenshot represents a sponsor that has been validated.

Adding DMSP to Line Item for Cat I:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

Adding DMSP to Line Item for Cat II:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

Adding DMSP Line Item for Cat III:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

Adding DMSP Line Item for Cat IV:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

Adding DMSP Line Item for Cat V:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

Adding DMSP Line Item for MTDC:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

NOTE:  GL 52690100 - Subcontracts less than 25001 will NOT have the DMSP indicator box

Adding DMSP Line Item for TDC:

When the DMSP checkbox is updated on the GL Line Item Editor, SIMSbudgets will identify the costs to be Data Management and Sharing.  

NOTE:  GL 52690500 - Subcontracts greater than 25000 will NOT have the DMSP indicator box