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Starfish: Reading the Student Folder


5.0 - Updated on 01-19-2022 by Emily Fogel Conway (eaf204)

4.0 - Updated on 01-05-2022 by Emily Fogel Conway (eaf204)

3.0 - Updated on 05-12-2021 by Emily Fogel Conway (eaf204)

2.0 - Updated on 02-23-2021 by Janet Schulenberg (jks142)

1.0 - Authored on 03-21-2018 by Janet Schulenberg (jks142)


Faculty and Staff users of Starfish.


Each student's Starfish folder includes academic information imported nightly from LionPATH, as well as record of meetings, notes, and tracking items created in Starfish. View permissions for each item in the student folder is granted by role. Different Starfish roles have different view permissions.


Overview tab

The Overview tab of the student folder shows academic information imported from LionPATH, as well as a graph of active warning flags for current courses.

The displayed Student Information is a snapshot of LionPATH information taken at 6:00 pm EST the prior day. LionPATH should always be considered the authoritative source for a student’s academic record, but this snapshot can make it easier for advisers to quickly review important academic information.

NOTE: All items on this tab are filterable, meaning you can use these categories and values to find other students with the same criteria.

NOTE: If there is no value for a particular piece of information, it is not displayed. For example, the student below does not have a second major, so no entry for Second Major (Plan) is displayed.

In this example folder, the adviser can quickly see this student is an 8th semester Economics BA major, with minors in History and French & Francophone Studies, currently enrolled full time and in good academic standing. The student was admitted to Penn State in Summer 2013 as a First-Year student.

Info tab

The information tab displays admissions, demographic, and enrollment information imported from LionPATH.

In the Admissions section, the Math (Other) score is the student’s highest ALEKS score.

Success Plans tab

Success Plans have not yet been implemented.

Courses tab

To see courses the student is currently taking, choose Term = Active and Status = Active.

To see courses the student late dropped, choose Term = Active and Status = Dropped.

Tracking tab

View any past or present tracking items.

  • To see items you raised, select Created By = Me. To see all items that were raised, select Created By = Anyone.
  • Change the view using the View drop-down menu. For example, if you want to know if the student has any flags, you can choose the Flag Inbox.
  • Change the Status to Active to see current flags, or Resolved or Both to see all flags.

If your Starfish role allows, you can add notes to a tracking item by hovering over the icon and choosing “Comment” or “Clear.” A comment remains with the student’s folder. Choosing clear allows you to also send a message to the person who raised the tracking item. Additional details about responding to tracking items is in the Responding to Tracking Items section.

Meetings tab

The meetings tab shows the history of all meetings scheduled through Starfish that your Starfish role allows you to see.

Clicking the “plus” symbol expands the meeting entry to show additional details, including the meeting notes.

Notes tab

Any comment typed into a text box is stored as a Note in Starfish. Notes attached to Meetings and Tracking Items are also visible in the Meetings and Tracking tabs.

You can filter these notes to see only the ones written by people in a particular relationship to the student or on a particular note type (e.g., Appointment Comment, Academic Review notes, etc.).

Network tab

Use this tab to view the student’s instructors and assigned advisers.

NOTE: Starfish receives the most recently assigned adviser from LionPATH. If the student has recently changed enrollment units, but the new unit has not yet assigned a new adviser, the previous adviser remains visible and connected to the student. Likewise, if a student has discontinued enrollment at the University, the most recently assigned adviser connection persists in Starfish.