Article Intended For
GlobalProtect Remote Access VPN users that are presented with a pop-up notification after connecting the VPN gateway.
A Host Information Profile (HIP) notification will be presented to users that are connected to the VPN from an unsupported GlobalProtect agent version.
This Knowledge Base article describes the following:
- Why am I seeing this Unsupported Agent Version HIP notification?
- Does this HIP notification impact my access to Penn State resources
- How do I resolve this Unsupported Agent Version?
Article Body
Why am I seeing this Unsupported Agent Version HIP notification?
An unsupported version of the GlobalProtect VPN agent is running on this computer. This is likely an old version that may contain known issues or security vulnerabilities.
Does this HIP notification impact my access to Penn State resources?
HIP notifications with a YELLOW banner is an information message only. No action has been taken at this time.
HIP notifications with a RED banner indicates access to the Penn State network and the Internet via the VPN has been restricted while this device is connected to the VPN.
How do I resolve this Unsupported Agent Version?
A different version of the GlobalProtect VPN agent must be installed.
Download the PSU supported version of the GlobalProtect agent from the Software Request website, or request IT support to assist in installing a supported version of the GlobalProtect agent.
For assistance, please reach out to your local IT support staff or contact the PSU IT Service Desk
- Visit the IT Help Portal
- Call us at 814-865-HELP (4357)
- Email us at