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ORIS-SIMS: SIMSbudgets: How to calculate salary and cost share on an NIH budget for base salary over the NIH salary cap amount


2.0 - Updated on 02-07-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

1.0 - Authored on 09-13-2021 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers using Penn State Research Information Systems


This how-to describes how to build a budget line item to calculate salary and cost share on an NIH budget that is over the designated NIH salary cap amount.

Article Body

ORIS-SIMS: SIMSbudgets: How to calculate salary and cost share on an NIH budget for base salary over the NIH salary cap amount

1. Enter the base "Appt. Salary" (A) and "Level of Effort(%)" (B) and make a manual note of the amounts in the "Salary" (C) and "Cost Share" (D) boxes.  When you are done the salary amount total (E) should still be what currently shows for "Requested Direct".  If the amount to cost share in addition to this paid time is a different percentage, then calculate that amount in addition.


*Note that the salary cap is identified in the budget summary box.


2. In the same budget line item, enter an "Appt. Salary" (F) amount that is under the NIH salary cap.  

3. Enter the salary from the original calculation into "Salary" totals(G) based on the amounts from from (C). Note: Be sure to manually adjust the the percent of required effort on the IAF for the total amount calculated, including the cost share.  The IAF will calculate based on the new base salary used on the budget.

4. Enter the "Cost Share" (H) totals.  This includes the amount originally calculated over the salary cap(D), plus, the manually calculated full contributed time.