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SIMBA: LD - Overtime/Holiday Pay Review


2.0 - Updated on 12-14-2023 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

1.0 - Authored on 02-23-2023 by Laura Demers (lbd5392)

Article Intended For

SIMBA users who need to find overtime or holiday pay amounts for LD Plans


This article explains how to find overtime or holiday pay amounts for LD plans.

Article Body

How to find Overtime / Holiday pay amounts for Labor Distribution (LD) plans


  1. Open Labor Distribution – Pay Period with Account Info tile


  1. Enter PERNR, Department (Business Area, Department, *), GL Account for Overtime (can be found on LD plan) and Fiscal Year (if needed to narrow down search); Enter ‘Go’


  1. Use ‘Actual Pay’ column amounts and ‘Paid For Period’ as the pay period to distribute overtime pay on the Labor Distribution plan
