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Research: Internal Approval Form (IAF) - Revising a Submitted IAF


3.0 - Updated on 01-22-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

2.0 - Updated on 07-19-2021 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

1.0 - Authored on 06-11-2021 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems.


How to revise an Internal Approval Form (IAF) that has been submitted.

Article Body

A submitted IAF can be revised until the IAF has been fully processed as an award. An IAF can be locked by the central processing office. If required, a request can be made to the assigned negotiator to return an IAF back to the college.

If an IAF is available for revision, it can be revised in the following ways:

  • Select “Revise IAF?” from the “Create IAF” wizard menu.
  • Select the green “Revise” (A) button from the “Pending Proposal” or “Pending        Award” tabs.
  • Select the green “Revise” action button from within the IAF record.

On revision, an email is sent to all submitting unit AORs and DRAs, and a processing note is recorded on the IAF Summary. Additionally, when an IAF is revised it is placed into a “Recalled” state.




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