Article Intended For
All university faculty, staff, and researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State SIMSreports Negotiation Manager
The PSSUB STATUS tab will appear for Negotiation Manager records where a PS Sub Request has been acknowledged. Only SIMSreports users with access to Negotiation Manager will be able to view it.
Article Body
The PSSUB Status Tab provides the Subrecipient administrators with information about the Penn State Sub Request Form.
The tab will display the following PS Sub Request related information
- Current Status
- Designated data fields
- Working and Summary documents
- Outstanding approvals
"CFDA" label on the Negotiation Manager PSSUB Status tab has been updated to "ALN (formerly CFDA)" which reflects Uniform Guidance (UG) terminology.
The UEI # (Unique Entity Identifier) replaces the DUNS. In the event a PSSUB Request was Submitted to CPO prior to the addition of the UEI, the DUNS number will appear for those requests. (Returning the PSSUB form to the college however, will trigger a requirement to require the UEI, and the UEI will be displayed after it returns to CPO). Resubmitting the PSSUB form to CPO will trigger an email as well as reflect the resubmitted status on the status tab.
If the UEI number differs from the one that is managed on the official sponsor record, it will be highlighted in red to call out the discrepancy. In this case, hovering over the UEI number provides additional information about the discrepancy.
The F&A rate specified in the PSSUB Request will be displayed in the F&A Rate field