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GlobalProtect Remote Access VPN - Errors and Resolutions


66.0 - Updated on 11-25-2024 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

65.0 - Updated on 06-03-2024 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

64.0 - Updated on 05-30-2024 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

63.0 - Updated on 05-10-2024 by Tom Bayly (txb151)

62.0 - Updated on 04-29-2024 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

61.0 - Updated on 04-04-2024 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

60.0 - Updated on 09-28-2023 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

59.0 - Updated on 09-17-2023 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

58.0 - Updated on 06-01-2023 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

57.0 - Updated on 05-24-2023 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

56.0 - Updated on 05-04-2023 by Tom Bayly (txb151)

55.0 - Updated on 02-21-2023 by Tom Bayly (txb151)

54.0 - Updated on 01-03-2023 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

53.0 - Updated on 01-03-2023 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

52.0 - Updated on 12-12-2022 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

51.0 - Updated on 11-15-2022 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

50.0 - Updated on 10-31-2022 by Kevin M (kbm2)

49.0 - Updated on 10-18-2022 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

48.0 - Updated on 08-01-2022 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

47.0 - Updated on 07-28-2022 by Eric Taylor (elt143)

46.0 - Updated on 07-15-2022 by Tom Bayly (txb151)

45.0 - Updated on 04-13-2022 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

44.0 - Updated on 04-12-2022 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

43.0 - Updated on 04-12-2022 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

42.0 - Updated on 04-06-2022 by Penny Hockenberry (pqb4)

41.0 - Updated on 02-14-2022 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

40.0 - Updated on 02-07-2022 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

39.0 - Updated on 02-07-2022 by Edward Wilson (emw10)

38.0 - Updated on 02-04-2022 by Edward Wilson (emw10)

37.0 - Updated on 12-02-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

36.0 - Updated on 12-02-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

35.0 - Updated on 12-02-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

34.0 - Updated on 11-08-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

33.0 - Updated on 11-08-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

32.0 - Updated on 09-21-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

31.0 - Updated on 08-27-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

30.0 - Updated on 07-23-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

29.0 - Updated on 06-29-2021 by Ian Sproat (ixs33)

28.0 - Updated on 06-21-2021 by Gregory Fox (gdf24)

27.0 - Updated on 06-18-2021 by Tom Bayly (txb151)

26.0 - Updated on 06-15-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

25.0 - Updated on 06-08-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

24.0 - Updated on 06-07-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

23.0 - Updated on 05-26-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

22.0 - Updated on 05-25-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

21.0 - Updated on 05-18-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

20.0 - Updated on 05-12-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

19.0 - Updated on 04-20-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

18.0 - Updated on 04-14-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

17.0 - Updated on 04-13-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

16.0 - Updated on 04-06-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

15.0 - Updated on 03-26-2021 by Michael Giornesto (mcg12)

Article Intended For

IT Staff involved in supporting users of the GlobalProtect Remote Access VPN Service.


This article documents possible errors that may be presented to users of the GlobalProtect Remote Access VPN service, as well as provide a resolution when possible.

Article Body

Click on an error message below to jump to the associated description and other information:

Authentication Failed
Please contact the administrator for further assistance
Error code: -1


Image of Error:  Authentication Failed, Please contact the administrator for further assistance. Error code -1.png


User has not been provisioned by their local Unit IT for GlobalProtect VPN use. 


User's local IT Unit must provision the user in the Unit's appropriate EAD security group for authentication to GlobalProtect VPN.

Open or reassign a SNow Incident to user's local Unit IT Assignment Group

Connection Failed
You are not authorized to connect to GlobalProtect Portal.


Image of GlobalProtect agent error: Connection Failed, You are not authorized to connect to GlobalProtect Portal


User has not been provisioned by their local Unit IT for GlobalProtect VPN use. 


User's local IT Unit must provision the user in the Unit's appropriate EAD security group for authentication to GlobalProtect VPN.

Open or reassign a SNow Incident to user's local Unit IT Assignment Group

Authentication Failed.  Enter login credentials
Error: Incorrect username or password


ERROR IMAGE_Authentication Failed-Enter login credentials_Error-Incorrect username or password.png


If this error is present on a Linux host, then the userid may have exceeded 5 incorrect login attempts resulting in the account being locked. 


Connection Failed
Failed to get default route entry


Image of GlobalProtect VPN agent error: Connection Failed, Failed to get default route entry

  1. In Windows cmd, run > sc delete PanGPS >
  2. Remove the following key - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palo Alto Networks
  3. Remove the following key - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks
  4. Delete the following folder/directory - C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks >
  5. Delete the following folder C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Palo Alto Networks
  6. Uninstall the 3rd party VPN softwares and other softwares which can deny the route table modification.
  7. Reboot
  8. Reinstall the GP software.


How to Get Help with the GlobalProtect Remote Access VPN

If you have questions or experience any difficulties, use any of the following methods to contact the IT Service Desk for help: