Article Intended For
PSU Cores and PSU Cores users
This is a catalog of all public knowledge base articles pertaining to PSU Cores. Most information is specific to Agilent iLab user information. The catalog has been divided in to user roles. It is possible for one user to be assigned many different user roles within the iLab system.
Article Body
Information for Everybody
- Cores: Table of user permissions for tasks in iLab - a table showing every PSU iLab user role, tasks they have permissions for, and links to Agilent Help Site How To
Information for Lab (Group) User Roles
Lab (Groups) have three user roles - Principal Investigator (PI), Manager (MGR), and Member (M). A member can be given financial contact permissions (MwFC) to allow certain tasks to be performed as needed.
- Requesting access to IO numbers - (PI, M) instructions for making a request for an IO number to be added to your lab in iLab
Information for Core User Roles
Cores have four user roles - Administrator (Admin), Financial Manager (FM), Manager (CMGR), and Member (CM).
- Add custom field for service request that appears on the Invoice - (Admin) instructions to add a custom field
Information for Department Financial Manager User Roles
Departments only have one user role, the Financial Manager. This role is designed to request funds, approve core requests, and process invoices for multiple Labs (Groups). Permissions can be granted in the Department settings to allow the Financial Manager to assign fund numbers to lab members. Only a Lab (Group) member can request services from a core. Only a core member can perform billing for a core.
- Add Lab (Group) to a department - instructions to add a lab (group) to a department
- Remove Member From Department - instructions to remove a member from a department
PSU Cores Knowledge Base Homepage - directory of all public knowledge base articles pertaining to PSU Cores
PSU Cores Users - SharePoint - a site for new information, sharing documents, and other resources
Email PSU Cores Support - email to ask a question or request support from PSU ORIS
Agilent iLab Help Site - help site from the software designers of iLab
Email Agilent iLab Support - email to ask a question or request support from Agilent
PSU Core Facilities - request services from PSU Cores