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ORIS-SIMS: Cayuse: How to access the Cayuse "Proposals" tab


4.0 - Updated on 02-07-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

3.0 - Updated on 02-06-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

2.0 - Updated on 11-21-2023 by Kameron Dangleben (kxd337)

1.0 - Authored on 09-10-2021 by Kameron Dangleben (kxd337)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers using Penn State Research Information Systems


How to access the proposal tab in Cayuse 424

Article Body

ORIS-SIMS: Cayuse: How to access the Cayuse "Proposals" tab

The Proposals tab shows a list of proposals that have been created within Cayuse 424. This is the area of Cayuse 424 where you will spend most of your time. The Proposals tab is where you will create, develop, and review proposals. From the Proposals list, you can not only open your proposals and subawards, but also create new proposals, search for existing proposals, and copy or transform proposals. In addition to creating proposals you can import subawards. You can also print the list of proposals with any sorts or filters you have used on the list by clicking the print icon  on the navigation bar.

Once you've opened a proposal, you can open and edit it, including adding Key Persons, Performance Sites, and attachments as well as developing your budget. You can also grant other people access to it, submit it, or check the proposal's development history.