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Research: SIMSbudgets – How to link a Cat II and Cat III line item


3.0 - Updated on 12-03-2024 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

2.0 - Updated on 02-12-2024 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

1.0 - Authored on 09-13-2021 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

Article Intended For

All University faculty, staff, and researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems


This article goes over how to link a Category II and III line item to complete SF424 RR Budget Graduate Students.

Article Body

ORIS-SIMS: SIMSbudgets: How to link a Cat II and Cat III line item

A Cat II and Cat III line items can be linked to properly complete the SF424 RR Budget Graduate Students in Section B on Cayuse budget import for that combines the Cat II Grad Student object code with the Cat III Grad Student Summer Wages.  This feature will assist in properly report the correct number of Graduate Students on the form.  If line items are not linked, the Section B quantity will total 2 instead of 1.

  1. Create a Cat II line item
  2. Create a Cat III line item for summer wages
  3. From the Cat III line item, select the Link button and then select the proper Cat II line item to link
  4. You will be prompted to complete the Cat II Calc Helper
  5. From the Cat III line item, select the Calculation Helper and complete the Cat II section and Copy Values
  6. Save the line item
  7. Line item links are represented by
  8. On Cayuse budget import, if a line item link exists and the the calculation helper has not been completed, you will be prompted to complete the Cat II Calc Helper
  9. The Cayuse RR Budget should represent a single Graduate Student for each Cat II and Cat III pair
