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SIMBA: Grants Management/Funds Management Availability Control


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2023 by Damon Zysk (dxz5149)

1.0 - Authored on 03-02-2022 by Damon Zysk (dxz5149)

Article Intended For

This article is intended for those who manage grants/funds in SIMBA


Effective, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, GM AVC and FM AVC will be set to the following:

  • Warning when expense budget has reached 85% consumption.
  • Warning when expense budget has reached 100% consumption.

Article Body

***Warnings do not prevent postings in SIMBA***



AVC Overview:

  • AVC is the process of checking funds available for spending.
  • AVC checking is invoked during the following transactions: Journal Entry, Non-PO Invoices, and Shop OnLion Shopping Carts.
  • AVC checking does not happen with the following transactions: Journal Voucher Interfaces, Concur, Labor Distribution/Payroll Postings Integrations, Internal Service Requests (ISR), Revenue Postings, and Expense Credit Postings.
  • Documents that are “Saved as Completed” and put into workflow consume budget at time the document is saved and will issue the appropriate warning for AVC.
  • No warning messages will appear for Purchasing Buyers when creating or editing a Purchase Order.



Details for GM:

  • Will check External Funds at the Grant Level only.
  • GM Revenue and GM Cost Share will not be checked.



Details for FM:

  • FM AVC control is at the Fund level based on whether the fund is budgeted as Annual or Overall. (ex. Annual = current year.  Overall = cumulative years). 
  • FM AVC then checks at either the Fund, Funded Program, Fund Center, or Department. (See Matrix for what level AVC is being checked).
  • The “Overview of AVC Data” tile is a tool that can assist the end-user in determining the remaining available balance for a given budget control object.


Warning Message Examples

(Non-PO Invoice, Journal Entry, and Shopping Cart)


Non-PO Invoice and Journal Entry


When “Save as Completed” is clicked, and 85%-100% of the budget has been consumed, the message below will appear.


Annual Budget is almost exhausted for document item alert


When clicking “Help,” the message below will appear.


Annual budget is almost exhausted alert


When clicking “Continue” on the Information message, the message below will appear.


When clicking continue, the below error message will appear


Clicking “Yes,” will result in receiving a document number and starting the document through workflow.

Clicking “No” or “Cancel” will result in returning to the transaction to make any changes if needed.


Shopping Cart


Below are several examples of warning messages related to the Shopping Cart transaction.


The warning message will appear at the top of the transaction. You can continue with your transaction after the warning message appears, if you choose to do so.


Shopping Cart Approvers can press the Check Button prior to pressing Approve or Reject to review AVC related warning messages.



Exceeded by $50 error message

50% of the budget has been consumed


90% of the budget has been consumed


100% of the budget has been consumed


Zero budget remains on the grant

warning when approving a shopping cart