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ORIS- SIMS: Undelete in Document Manager


4.0 - Updated on 04-01-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

3.0 - Updated on 01-22-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

2.0 - Updated on 11-29-2023 by Ashley Conte (akc5736)

1.0 - Authored on 07-15-2021 by Francesco Palmeri (fjp5102)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers using Penn State Research Information Systems


The process on how to undelete in Document Manager.

Article Body


The Undelete function in Document Manager is available only to users with the "docdel" group.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains the Find button, the Close button (clicking this closes the browser window), and the "Managers" dropdown. The Managers dropdown contains choices of: Proposal, Negotiation, and Award. Selecting any choice switches to that Manager.


The Return button exits the Undelete view, and returns to the normal Document Manager

Record Details

Detailed information for the Log / OSP record is shown in this area. Details include Sponsor, PI, College/Department, Period of Performance, Title, and Agreement Number. All this information is read-only and cannot be changed on this screen.


On this row, clicking the leftmost icon ( "Redisplay Processing Message", ) will display the message from any previous Document Management operation. For example, if you just un-deleted a document, the message, " Document <<document name>> Restored" will be displayed.

To the right of the "Redisplay Processing Message" icon is a count of documents retrieved for display on this screen.

Document List

This section displays documents associated with the current record that were previously deleted. Only documents for the exact Log / OSP record being displayed are shown; no associated record's documents appear on this screen.

The document list is shown as a table, with column headers. Clicking the column headers "Folder", "User Keys", or "Updated" will sort the list of documents by the values in that column.

The only Action available on this screen is "Restore" (). Clicking this Action icon brings up a dialog box

When "Restore" is selected using a mouse click, the document is moved from the "Deleted Documents" area back into the normal document list.


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