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Add or Change Address on My Penn State Account


7.0 - Updated on 12-18-2024 by Terry Walker (tfw5421)

6.0 - Updated on 09-10-2024 by Jesse Sharkawy (jas6215)

5.0 - Updated on 02-12-2024 by Kim D (kad959)

4.0 - Updated on 07-12-2021 by Eileen Mershon (ejm5988)

3.0 - Updated on 06-20-2021 by Eileen Mershon (ejm5988)

2.0 - Updated on 06-20-2021 by Eileen Mershon (ejm5988)

1.0 - Authored on 06-20-2021 by Eileen Mershon (ejm5988)

Article State

Work in Progress (WIP)


I need to add or update an address that's associated with my Penn State Account


  • Home Address
  • Local Address (students only)
  • Mailing Address
  • On-Campus Housing Address (students only)
  • Diploma Address (graduating students)
  • University Address (employees only)


University Address (Employees Only)

Contact Human Resources.

On-Campus Housing Address (Students Only)

Contact Housing, Food Services, and Residence Life.

Diploma Address (Students Only)

See View or Change My Diploma Address.

Home, Mailing, or Local (Students Only) Address

  1. Log in to the Penn State Account Management website at
  2. Under Account, choose Personal Information.
  3. Click Addresses to expand that section.

    Click the delete (trash can) icon next to it and click REMOVE to confirm.  Note that you must have a Home address and Mailing address on file, so you will not be able to delete the address identified as your Home or Mailing address.  If you need to change one of those addresses, ADD the new address and choose the appropriate label(s).
    1. Click the plus sign (+) next to New Address.
    2. Enter the address you wish to add and click NEXT.  
    3. Identify the type of address by checking the label(s) that apply (e.g., Home, Mailing, etc.) * 
    4. Click NEXT.
    5. Review your changes and click ADD to confirm them.
  6. TO ADD A TYPE OR USE for an existing address:
    1. Click the plus (+) sign just below that address on your screen, and select the relevant Type.  Note that only one address can be associated with each address type.
  7. To UPDATE an address:  Add the new address and delete the existing one.

 * Option to save as Unassigned:

  • Each label (e.g., Home, Mailing, etc) can be associated with only one address.
  • If you add a new address and identify it as your Home or Mailing address, you have the option to save the existing Home or Mailing address with the label Unassigned.
  • If you do not choose this option, the previous address will be deleted and replaced with the one you added.


  • As a student, your parents' address is currently identified as your mailing address.
  • When the fall semester starts, you add your campus address and identify it as your mailing address.
  • You opt to save your parents' mailing address as Unassigned.
  • When you go home next summer, you won't need to type your parents' address in again – you'll simply add the Mailing address label to it.