Article Intended For
OIT Staff who who are on the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express system and have phones provisioned with voicemail functionality.
This article explains how to record and enable an alternative, extended-absence greeting on your personal voicemail. This greeting is useful in the event that you would like to announce to callers that you will be out of office for an extended period of time, and provide extra detail or information regarding that absence (i.e. the coming Winter break, a vacation, etc).
Article Body
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Log into your VoIP Self-Service portal at This site uses our Penn State Web Access account.
- On the portal’s main page, click on the ‘Voicemail Settings’ icon
- On the ‘Applications’ page, click on ‘Messaging Assistant’
- Go to ‘Greetings -> View Greetings’
- You’ll notice several different greetings listed here (Holiday, Standard, Closed, etc.) It is important to note that there are only two greetings on this page that are enabled for our accounts. “Standard” and “Alternate”. The Standard greeting is applied by default, and is what your voicemail settings revert to when your Alternate greeting is not enabled.
- Click on the word ‘Alternate’
- Click on the ‘Record’ button to begin recording your alternate greeting
- When you are finished recording, click on the ‘Stop’ button.
- To listen to your recording, click on the ‘Play’ button.
- If you would like to re-record your greeting, repeat steps 6 – 8.
- Select either ‘Enable with no end date and time’ or ‘Enable until’ and define a date and time to turn off the alternate greeting.
- Click ‘Save’ to apply your change.
- Test your configuration by calling your University-owned phone number with your mobile phone.
At this point you can close your VoIP Self-Service Portal page. If you’d like to save this recording for future use, you can download the current recording to local storage by clicking the ‘Download’ button beside the recorder application. To use a pre-recorded greeting, click on the upload button