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Canvas: Visual Changes to the Gradebook


5.0 - Updated on 08-29-2023 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

4.0 - Updated on 04-22-2021 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

3.0 - Updated on 04-23-2020 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

2.0 - Updated on 11-01-2019 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 08-23-2019 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

Article Intended For

This article is intended for Penn State faculty and staff who teach or manage courses in Canvas.


Over summer 2019, Canvas made some feature updates to the gradebook. The grade posting policy is a new feature of the gradebook that was introduced. This grade posting policy sets how grades and comments are released to students. This feature replaced previously known mute and unmute assignments as well as introduced some visual changes to these icons. 

Article Body

With the grade posting policy feature, assignment grades may be manually or automatically posted.

Manually posted grades allows an instructor to hide all grades and comments until the instructor chooses to post the grades. This is the new name for a muted assignment.

Automatically posted grades for an assignment is the equivalent of an unmuted assignment where grades and comments are immediately posted.  

Visual changes to this new feature include the replacement of the previously known Mute icon with an Eye icon, which represents the assignment’s grade visibility.

A transparent (grey) Eye icon displays for assignments with a manually posted grading policy. When an instructor enters a grade for a manually posted assignment, the Eye icon changes to a solid state (bright orange) to show the assignment has been assigned grades that are not visible to a student. 

Figure 1: Showing when an instructor enters a grade for a manually posted assignment, the Eye icon changes from the transparent grey to bright orange to show the assignment has been assigned grades but is not visible to a student.   

Figure 1: Showing when an instructor enters a grade for a manually posted assignment, the Eye icon changes from the transparent  grey to  bright orange to show the assignment has been assigned grades but is not visible to a student.  


Grades can also be hidden or re-hidden at any time, which may be needed to conceal or adjust previously posted grades. The assignment menu Hide Grades option displays for any assignment where grades are visible to students. 

Figure 2: Showing the assignment menu Hide Grades option, which displays for any assignment where grades are visible to students.  

Figure 2: Showing the assignment menu Hide Grades option, which displays for any assignment where grades are visible to students. 


When grades are hidden, the visibility Eye icon changes to a solid state (bright orange) to indicate grades have been assigned that are not visible to students. Grades can be re-posted at any time using the assignment menu. 

Figure 3: Showing when grades are hidden, the visibility Eye icon changes to a solid state (bright-orange) to indicate grades have been assigned that are not visible to students.  

Figure 3: Showing when grades are hidden, the visibility Eye icon changes to a solid state (bright orange) to indicate grades have been assigned that are not visible to students. 

