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Research: SIMS Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Request Form - Access to Confidential Information


2.0 - Updated on 01-24-2024 by Wendy Peck (wly2)

1.0 - Authored on 07-14-2021 by Kara Marshall (qum160)

Article Intended For

All university faculty, staff, researchers with permission to use and/or access Penn State Research Information Systems.


This description will describe the Access to Confidential Information section of the NDA request form.

Article Body

"Access to Confidential Information" is the fourth section of the Non-Disclosure Agreement Form.

About this section

This area of the form is reserved for providing a list of PSU employees who the user will be sharing Company Confidential Information.  Special instructions apply to Undergraduate students.

Hover over the help icon for further instructions on how to use this section of the form.  Note that the first row is reserved for the PI entered above on the form.  It cannot be deleted.

Populating Name

Once a PSU Access ID is entered and the magnifying glass is clicked, the name which is located to the right of the search icon the field populates. 

Adding and Removing Rows

  • The blue "+Add" button displays to the right.  Clicking the "+Add" will display another data entry line for PSU Access ID.  There is no limit in how many rows can be added. 
  • The black "Delete" button then shows with trashcan icon on the second line next to the +Add.  When clicking the "Delete" removes PSU Access ID data line.  
  • If a line is blank then the line will be ignored and no error message displays when submitted.

For more information, please contact
