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Canvas: Importing Scantron Scores (or Any CSV File) into the Gradebook


4.0 - Updated on 09-05-2023 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

3.0 - Updated on 07-12-2019 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

2.0 - Updated on 09-17-2019 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 10-25-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

Instructors can import scores from an external source using a comma-separated value (CSV) file into a Canvas course Gradebook. CSV files can be obtained from Scantron results, Clicker software, etc. These instructions refer to Scantron scores, but they can be used for any CSV file. Ensure that your CSV file has the following fields:

NOTE: The CSV file that will import into the Canvas Gradebook can be found on the custom report tab. If you do not know how to obtain the Scantron scores in a CSV file format, please refer to the following page for more information: Scanning Instructor Tools Help Page.

  1. Open the Scantron CSV report in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Save the Scantron report to your computer.

    NOTE: It is a best practice to include the course name, semester, and assignment in the file name (e.g., ENG110_FA16_Assign1) to help with locating and storing multiple files. Since student data is being saved, be sure to store it in a protected place.

  3. In the dialogue box that displays when you save asking whether to keep using CSV format, click the Yes button.
  4. The Scantron CSV file must be imported into your Canvas course. In the appropriate course, in the left course navigation, click Grades.
  5. On the Gradebook screen, click the Actions menu and select "Import" from the drop-down.

    Figure 1: Select "Import" from the Actions drop-down.

  6. On the Upload Gradebook screen, click the Choose File button.

    Figure 2: Click Choose File to select the file to upload.

  7. Locate the file on your computer in the dialogue box and click the Open button.
  8. Click the Upload Data button.

    NOTE: A message will appear that states you uploaded some assignments that do not appear to be in your Gradebook. You will need to select whether it is a new assignment or whether it represents an existing assignment.

  9. Select A new assignment or the existing assignment from the Choose assignment drop-down list.
  10. Enter the Points Possible for the assignment.
  11. Click the Continue button.

    NOTE: The page will reload and you will see a table that lists the students' names, the assignment name, and modifications to the scores.

  12. Click the Save Changes button.
  13. A dialogue box will display indicating that the file is being uploaded to Gradebook. Click the OK button.

    NOTE: The new assignment will now appear in Gradebook. You may have to manually drag and drop the assignment to the appropriate assignment group in the assignments index page. For additional information on using the Assignments Index page, view the following Canvas article: How do I use the Assignments Index Page?

    NOTE: If a student was not listed on the Scantron report, the corresponding space in the Canvas course Gradebook for that student will be left blank. Enter the scores manually once you have received scores for those students. If a student fails to complete an assignment, you need to manually assign a zero by the end of the grading period in order to ensure accurate grade calculation. For additional information on uploading changes to Gradebook, view the following Canvas article: How do I upload changes to the Gradebook?


For additional information on Scanning Services, view the following page on the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence website: Scanning Services.


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