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CRCS: Curriculum Subcommittee Functionality


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 08-02-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

This guide describes the implementation of subcommittee reviews/discussions in the Curriculum Review and Consultation System (CRCS). The subcommittee functionality allows a single proposal workflow step to contain any number of subcommittees for review of a proposal. Subcommittees can use this functionality to vote on proposals as well as use a discussion forum-style discussion on any vote or any proposal itself.


The roles for subcommittee workflow steps consist entirely of a subcommittee step administrator(s) as well as subcommittee member(s).

Subcommittee administrators are those people who are responsible for:

Managing and Creating Subcommittees and Their Membership

The subcommittee administrator is responsible for managing and creating the subcommittees themselves. This can be achieved in the same way that all consultation groups are handled, through use of the Consultation Groups tool.

To create a subcommittee:

  1. On the CRCS home page, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools.
    Screen capture of main menu indicating tools link.

    Select tools.
  2. Select Consultation Groups. The Manage My Consultation Groups screen will display.
    Screen capture of Consultation Groups link under Tools.

    Select Consultation Groups.
  3. Click the Add a Group button to add a new group which can be designated as a subcommittee.
    Screen capture of Manage My Consultation Groups screen indicating Add a Group button.

    Click Add a Group.
  4. In the Add a New Consultation Group pop-up window that appears, enter the Group Name, select the subcommittee level from the Define usage of group: drop-down menu, then click the Add Group button.
    Screen capture of Add a New Consultation Group pop-up window.

    Add a New Consultation Group pop-up window
  5. The resulting Add a user to Group pop-up window will prompt you to add the first subcommittee member. Note that at least one member must be added to a group at any time. In the User ID field, once you enter the first several characters, a list of applicable names will appear for selection; selecting the appropriate user from the list will then populate the Name field. Click the Add User To Group button.
    Screen capture of Add a user to Group pop-up window with partial entry of user I D displaying list of names.

    Begin to enter the User ID to display a list of names from which to select.
  6. You should now see the subcommittee in your list of consultation groups. To continue to modify the group membership, you can:
    • Click the Add a new user to group (people) icon to add a member.
      Screen capture of Add a new user to group icon to the left of the group name.

      Add a new user to group icon
    • Click the toggle (plus sign) icon to expand to view a list of existing members.
      Screen capture of toggle icon.

      Toggle icon
    • After expanding the view to the list of members, click the Edit Consultant (pencil) icon to the left of a name to edit the user's name.
      Screen capture of Edit Consultant icon next to a name.

      Edit Consultant icon
    • Click the Delete Consultant (trash can) icon to the left of a name to delete that member.
      Screen capture of Delete Consultant icon next to a name.

      Delete Consultant icon

These groups will now appear in the Committee Administrator Portal for your use.

To access the Committee Administrator Portal, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools, then Committee Admin Portal.

Screen capture of Committee Admin Portal link under Tools.

Select Tools, then Committee Admin Portal.

Opening and Closing Voting for a Subcommittee for a Proposal

In the Committee Administrator Portal, you will see a list of all of the subcommittee steps for which you are an administrator. Below each listing will be a list of proposals that are at that particular subcommittee step.

Screen capture of Committee Administrator Portal with list of proposals assigned to those levels.

Committee Administrator Portal with list of proposals assigned to those levels.

Most of the functionality on this page consists of selecting the applicable proposal(s) and then selecting an action to perform.

To open or close voting for a subcommittee on one or more proposals:

  1. Select the check box of the appropriate proposal(s).
  2. In the heading above the list of proposals, click the gear icon. A Proposal Tools dialogue box will display.
    Screen capture of Proposals At Committee Review Status list with check box selected and gear icon being clicked.

    Select check box for one or more proposals, then click gear icon.
  3. In the Proposals Tools dialogue box, under Enable or Revoke Voting, select the check box next to each committee for which you want to enable or revoke voting.
  4. Click the Enable Voting or Revoke Voting button, as applicable.
    NOTE: The system may take several seconds to process the action.
    Screen capture of Proposal Tools dialogue box with General Education committee check box selected and Enable Voting button being clicked.

    Click Enable Voting or Revoke Voting button, as applicable.

The At Committees column will show that the selected subcommittee has either been added or removed for the proposal(s) based on your action and subcommittee selection.

Screen capture of Proposals At Committee Review Status list with At Committees column indicated.

The subcommittee is indicated in the At Committees column.

Determining Whether a Proposal Should Be Moved Forward/Rejected/Require Minor Edits

It is up to the subcommittee administrators to determine whether a proposal is ready to be moved forward, or whether it needs to be rejected.

Once this determination has been made, to perform the decided action:

  1. Select the check box of the appropriate proposal(s).
  2. In the heading above the list of proposals, click the gear icon. A Proposal Tools dialogue box will display.
    Screen capture of Proposals At Committee Review Status list with check box selected and gear icon being clicked.

    Select check box for one or more proposals, then click gear icon.
  3. In the Proposal Tools dialogue box, under Move Forward or Reject Proposal(s), enter any Comments with your reasoning for the action. The comments will be sent to the submitters of the proposal(s) for review and action.
    NOTE: Comments entered are applied to all selected proposals, and are required if you are rejecting proposals.
  4. To perform the applicable action, click either the Reject (Major Changes), Reset (Minor Changes), or Move Forward button.
    Screen capture of Proposal Tools dialogue box with Move Forward or Reject Proposals section indicated.

    Enter any comments, then click the button for the applicable action.

Proposals can also be moved forward, rejected, or sent back for minor edits by clicking on a proposal in the Requests For My Consultation panel on the CRCS home page.

See also the Subcommittee Member Actions knowledge topic.