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Canvas: Merge Course Manager


6.0 - Updated on 08-29-2023 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

5.0 - Updated on 03-15-2021 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

4.0 - Updated on 06-12-2020 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

3.0 - Updated on 04-23-2020 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

2.0 - Updated on 08-13-2019 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

1.0 - Authored on 08-08-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

A merged course is a new course that is created by combining two or more other courses. Each of the original courses will become a course section in the new course.

  1. From your Canvas Dashboard, click the Merge Course Manager button on the right side of the screen merge multiple courses into a single course.

    Click the Merge Course Manager button
    Figure 1: Click the Merge Course Manager button.

    NOTE: You must be enrolled as a teacher or course admin in each course that you wish to merge. The courses cannot be published or have any student submissions, and they should be empty of course content.

  2. The Confirmation of Educational or Pedagogical Purpose of Canvas Section Merge screen displays and details the acceptable and unacceptable instances for merging sections:

    Merge Course information
    Figure 2: The Confirmation of Educational or Pedagogical Purpose of Canvas Section Merge screen.

  3. The instructor of record for the course must acknowledge understanding of acceptable instances to merge sections and provide consent by clicking the Yes button at the bottom of the screen. If your reason for merging does not meet the established criteria, click Cancel to exit.

  4. The Create Merged Course screen displays from which you can merge courses or edit an existing merged course.

For questions about FERPA and online course sites that involve more than one enrollment section, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at 814-863-3681 or Additional information can be found on the FERPA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the University Registrar website.


Time to Create Merged Course

The new course is created automatically, but it may take a day or two for the entire roster from each course to populate the new course.


Important Notes:

Visit Course Sandbox, Merge Courses, and Master or Manually Enrolled Courses in Canvas for an overview of the three types of course spaces in Canvas that faculty and staff may request.