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CRCS: Submit a Proposal to Add an Undergraduate Major Program in Curriculum: 8A Simple Example: Liberal Arts History Major


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 08-21-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

Original Description


PRESCRIBED COURSES (3 credits) HIST 302W(3) (Sem: 5-6)

ADDITIONAL COURSES (6 credits) Choose one sequence from the following three: HIST 001 GH;IL(3), HIST 002 GH;IL(3) (Sem: 1-4) HIST 010 GH;IL(3), HIST 011 GH;IL(3) (Sem: 1-4) HIST 020 GH;US(3), HIST 021 GH;US(3) (Sem: 1-4)

SUPPORTING COURSES AND RELATED AREAS (27 credits) Select 12 credits, in consultation with an advisor, at the 100-200-level, one course from each of the following field categories: Europe, United States, Global, Pre-Modern* (Sem: 1-4)

Select 3 credits at the 100-400-level (Sem: 1-8)

Select 12 credits at the 400-level, at least one course which must be in Global History (Sem: 5-8)

* Courses that appear in two History categories (such as HIST 174) cannot be double-counted to be applied to two field categories. However, the student may choose to which category to apply the course.

Translating the Information into the System

You need to enter the information above into the system in a format it understands. If you were to write this information out in a more programming-like format, it would read something like:

Prescribed Courses

HIST 302W, 3 credits total (minimum 3 credits, maximum 3 credits), must be taken semester 5 or 6.

Additional Courses

Six credits total (minimum 6 credits, maximum 6 credits), must be taken semesters 1-4, choose one sequence from the following three:

((HIST 001 AND HIST 002) OR (HIST 010 AND HIST 011) OR (HIST 020 AND HIST 021))

Part 1: Add the Prescribed Course(s)

The following image shows the completed Prescribed Courses information:

Screen capture of Prescribed Courses form showing minimum and maximum credits of 3.

Prescribed Courses form

To complete this form:

Initial Information

  1. Navigate to the Prescribed, Additional, and Supporting Courses page (if necessary).
  2. In the Minimum Credits field, enter 3.
  3. In the Maximum Credits field, enter 3.

Entering the Prescribed Course

  1. Click the Insert a Course icon.
    Screen capture of Insert a Course icon shaped like a book. 
    Insert a Course icon
  2. On the form that displays, in the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
    NOTE: You can enter the course number in this field as well, for example, 302W, and skip step 3. You can also partially enter a course abbreviation, then select the course from a drop-down menu.
    Screen capture of Abbreviation and Number fields.

    Under Abbreviation, enter HIST.
  3. In the Number field, enter 302W.
  4. From the Connector drop-down menu, select Sem: (End Group).
  5. In the Semester Range field, enter 5-6.
  6. Select the Save link.

Part 2: Add the Additional Courses

The following image shows the completed Additional Courses information:

Screen capture of Completed Additional Courses form.

Additional Courses form

To complete this form:

Initial Information

  1. In the Minimum Credits field, enter 6.
  2. In the Maximum Credits field, enter 6.

Entering the First Set of Additional Courses

  1. Click the Insert text icon.
    Screen capture of Insert text icon shaped like a capital T. 
    Insert text icon
  2. In the text field, enter Choose one sequence from the following three:
  3. Select the Save link.
  4. Click the Insert a group or group connector icon.
    Screen capture of Insert a group or group connector icon shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece.
    Insert a group or group connector icon
  5. In the Credits for Group field, enter 6.
    Screen capture of Credits for Group field.

    Credits for Group field
  6. Select the Save; Add More link.
  7. In the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
  8. In the Number field, enter 001.
  9. From the Connector drop-down menu, select ,(AND).
  10. Select the Save; Add More link.
  11. In the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
  12. In the Number field, enter 002.
  13. From the Connector drop-down menu, select Sem: (End Group).
  14. In the Semester Range field, enter 1-4.
  15. Select the Save link.

Entering the Second Set of Additional Courses

  1. Click the Insert a group or group connector icon to the left of HIST 002.
    Screen capture of Insert a group or group connector icon shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece.
    Insert a group or group connector icon
  2. From the Connector drop-down menu, select OR.
    Screen capture of Connector pull-down menu with OR selected.

    Select OR.
  3. Select the Save; Add More link.
  4. In the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
  5. In the Number field, enter 010.
  6. From the Connector drop-down menu, select ,(AND).
  7. Select the Save; Add More link.
  8. In the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
  9. In the Number field, enter 011.
  10. From the Connector drop-down menu, select Sem: (End Group).
  11. In the Semester Range field, enter 1-4.
  12. Select the Save link.

Entering the Third Set of Additional Courses

  1. Click the Insert a group or group connector icon to the left of HIST 011.
    Screen capture of Insert a group or group connector icon shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece.
    Insert a group or group connector icon
  2. From the Connector drop-down menu, select OR.
    Screen capture of Connector pull-down menu with OR selected.

    Select OR.
  3. Select the Save; Add More link.
  4. In the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
  5. In the Number field, enter 020.
  6. From the Connector drop-down menu, select ,(AND).
  7. Select the Save; Add More link.
  8. In the Abbreviation field, enter HIST.
  9. In the Number field, enter 021.
  10. From the Connector drop-down menu, select Sem: (End Group).
  11. In the Semester Range field, enter 1-4.
    Screen capture of Semester Range field.

    In Semester Range field, enter 1-4.
  12. Select the Save link.
  13. Click the Insert a group or group connector icon to the left of HIST 021.
  14. From the drop-down menu, select End Group: ).
    Screen capture of pull-down menu with End Group colon space parenthesis selected.

    Select End Group: ).
  15. Select the Save link.

Part 3: Add the Supporting Courses

The following image shows the completed Supporting Courses information:

Screen capture of Supporting Courses form with completed information.

Supporting Courses form

To complete this area, enter the minimum and maximum credits, then copy and paste the appropriate text from the bulletin into the text field and edit it as needed.

Part 4: Confirm the Information is Entered Correctly

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Prescribed, Additional, and Supporting Courses page.
  2. Click the Print Preview this Page button.
    Screen capture of print preview of the page.

    Print preview of the page
  3. If the resulting page is incorrect, go back to the Prescribed, Additional, and Supporting Courses page and make corrections. You may need to do this several times.