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CRCS: Submit a Proposal to Add a Non-Credit Course in Curriculum


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 08-21-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

The Curriculum Review and Consultation system is designed to manage the submission of course and program proposals as well as facilitate the approval process electronically.

This article describes how to create and submit a proposal to add a new Penn State non-credit course.

Access the Curriculum Review and Consultation System

To access the Curriculum Review and Consultation system:

  1. Visit the CRCS home page.
  2. Click the Log On button.
  3. If you are not already logged on to a Penn State service using WebAccess, the WebAccess form will display. Enter your Penn State Access Account user ID (e.g., xyz123) and password.
  4. Click the Login button. The Home screen will display.

Submit a Proposal to Add a Non-Credit Course

To submit a proposal to add a non-credit course, from the Home screen:

  1. In the top left menu, under Proposals, select Create Proposal. The Create Proposal screen will display.
    Screen capture of top left menu on home screen with Proposals, Create Proposal selected.

    Select Proposals, then Create Proposal.
  2. From the Degree Level drop-down menu, select Undergraduate.
  3. From the Proposal Type drop-down menu, select NON-credit course.
  4. From the Action drop-down menu, select ADD.
  5. From the College With Curricular Responsibility drop-down menu, select the applicable college.
    Screen capture of Create Proposal screen with undergraduate, non-credit course, add, and engineering selected.

    For Proposal Type select NON-Credit Course and for Action select ADD.
  6. Click Next. The Proposal Initiator and Submitter Form will display.
  7. In the Principal Faculty Member(s) section under Name and User ID, enter the faculty member's user ID or name; as you begin to type, as list of suggestions from the Penn State directory will pop up, from which you can select.
  8. From the College drop-down menu, select the faculty member's college.
  9. If more than one person should be indicated as a principal faculty member, to the left, click the Insert button to display a new row. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for that person.
  10. In the Form Submitters section, by default, the Name and User ID and College information corresponds with the person who is currently logged on. It is important to mention that this information should always be representative of a faculty member; however, a staff member may complete the online forms on behalf of the faculty member.
    Screen capture of Proposal Initiator and Submitter Form filled in with the faculty and staff member name, user I D, and college.

    Enter the User ID, name, and college of the principal faculty member(s) and form submitter (if different).
  11. Click Next. The Course Designation screen will display.
  12. For the proposed non-credit course, enter the Course Abbreviation, Course Number, and Course Title. NOTE: As indicated onscreen, the course numbers available for a non-credit course are 5000-9999; if you enter an invalid number, an error message will display as a reminder.
    Screen capture of Course Designation screen with course abbreviation, number, and title filled in. An invalid number has been entered so an error message is displayed.

    Enter the course abbreviation, number (between 5000 and 9999), and title.
  13. Click Next. The Course Location History screen will display.
  14. Review the onscreen message. Because this is a proposal to add a new non-credit course, the message will state "No Campus Offerings Were Found." Were this a proposal to change or drop a non-credit course, the past four years of campus offerings would be listed.
  15. Click Next. The Course Information screen will display.
  16. Enter an Abbreviated Title of 18 characters or fewer for the proposed non-credit course.
    NOTE: You can select the More link next to the right for detailed onscreen instructions.
  17. In the Units section, enter the Minimum Units and Maximum Units, indicate whether the course is Repeatable by selecting Yes or No from the drop-down menu, and enter the Total Maximum Units.
    Screen capture of first portion of Course Information screen with Minimum Units, Maximum Units, Repeatable, and Total Maximum Units fields.

    Enter Minimum Units and Maximum Units, select whether repeatable, and enter Total Maximum Units.
  18. From the Evaluation Method drop-down menu, select one of the following methods:
    • CEU: continuing education units
    • Graded No Units: graded course without any credit value
    • No Educational Value Unit: not educationally valued
  19. From the Grading Type drop-down menu, select one of the following types:
    • Participation and Quality
    • No Grade
    • Participation
    • Quality
  20. If the course qualifies as an Act 48 Continuing Education Course for PA Educators, select the Act 48 Con-ed check box.
  21. Begin entering the Budget Number for the budget that will receive tuition funds, then select from the resulting pick list.
    Screen capture of next portion of Course Information screen with Evaluation Method, Grading Type, Act 48 Con-ed Course, and Budget Number fields, showing pick list that displays when budget number partially entered.

    Select Evaluation Method and Grading Type, if appropriate, select Act 48 Con-ed Course, and enter Budget Number.
  22. Enter a Short Description in the text box provided.
  23. Select the Effective Semester and Effective Year from the drop-down menus.
  24. From the Does This Course Have a Travel Component drop-down menu, select YES or NO. If yes, in the Travel Component Description text box that appears, enter a description.
    Screen capture of last portion of Course Information screen with the Short Description, Effective Semester, Effective Year, and Travel Component fields.

    Enter Short Description, indicate Effective Semester and Year, and indicate whether the course has a travel component.
  25. Click Next. The Course Outline screen will display.
  26. In fields 1 through 3, enter:
    • A brief outline or overview of the course content
    • A listing of the major topics to be covered with an approximate length of time allotted for their discussion
    • A long course description, up to 400 words. This description will be made available to students through the online Bulletin and Schedule of Courses. It must encompass all course sections at all locations over a period of time and therefore must focus on the common and durable aspects of the course.
    Screen capture of first portion of Course Outline screen with brief outline, major topics, and long course description fields.

    Enter the brief outline, major topics, and long course description.
  27. Under item 4, indicate the faculty member(s) responsible for the development of the course. Enter the User ID or Name of the person; as you begin to type, a list of suggestions from the Penn State directory will pop up, from which you can select. The person's name can be edited, if necessary.
    Screen capture of Add Faculty Member portion of Course Outline screen in which entering part of a user I D displays a list of people from whom to select.

    Begin entering the User ID, then select from the resulting list.
  28. Once you select the faculty member, an Additional Faculty Details panel displays, with his/her title, campus, and contact information from the Penn State Directory. You can edit this information as needed.
    Screen capture of Additional Faculty Details panel with editable fields.

    Review the Additional Faculty Member details provided, and edit as needed.
  29. Click the Save button beneath the faculty member details.
  30. If more than one faculty member is responsible, in the blank Add Faculty Member form that displays below the first name, repeat the process of adding the next person as described above.
  31. Click Next. The Review By Required Signatories screen will display.
  32. Specify the Head of Department, SCCA Representative, and Dean of the College, if not automatically filled in. Enter the User ID or Name of the person; as you begin to type, a list of suggestions from the Penn State directory will pop up, from which you can select.
    Screen capture of Review By Required Signatories screen with SCCA Representative and Dean of the College automatically filled in, but Head of Department needing to be filled in.

    Specify the Head of Department, SCCS Representative, and Dean of the College.
  33. Click Next. The Consultation Request screen will display.
  34. In the bottom section under File Upload Tool, from the Context Type drop-down menu, select Prospectus Memo, then enter a File Description. Click Browse, navigate to the prospectus memo file on your local drive, and double-click its name, then click the Upload button.
    Screen capture of File Upload Tool section for uploading of prospectus memo.

    Upload the prospectus memo.
  35. You can now send the proposal out for review. There are two different types of review:
    • Consultation: Consultation groups may have been created for the college pertaining to the proposed non-credit course. Those groups from whom coordination is required by the college are grayed out and cannot be unchecked. To initiate a consultation, check the box for any additional pertinent consultation group besides those already checked, then click the Submit Request For Consultation button.
      Screen capture of Consultation section of screen with a consultation group checked and Submit Request for Consultation button.

      Select the appropriate consultation group, then click the Submit Request For Consultation button.

      NOTE: By default, the request will be sent to all members of the group; however, you can optionally deselect the check box next to a name so that person will not receive a request.

      NOTE: Each party included in the Essential/Formal Consultation will be given two weeks to respond. A group/individual consultant is assumed to concur if no response is received within that time.
    • Actual approval process: The Send To Your College Proposal Administrator button is only available once all parties included in the consultation have responded to the proposal. (The faculty submitter and any staff person to whom CRCS rights have been granted to initiate the proposal will receive an email when this has been achieved.) You must also have uploaded the prospectus memo as described in the previous step in order for this button to be available. Once you click the Send To Your College Proposal Administrator button, you will not be able to further edit the proposal.
      Screen capture of Send To Your College Proposal Administrator button below the Consultation area of the screen.

      Click the Send To Your College Proposal Administrator button.
    NOTE: Once the approval process has started, you will not be able to edit the information in the proposal. The information will be protected until it has been noted that a change is necessary. If you would like to make a change or reset the status of the proposal, you may contact the Faculty Senate at 814-863-1202 and a CRCS administrator will be able to help you.

    Some email programs may place the automated email into a recipient's "Junk" folder. If your proposal has not been reviewed by a particular individual you may want to notify them yourself that a review is necessary.