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Canvas: Student Activity Tool


3.0 - Updated on 06-25-2024 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

2.0 - Updated on 08-11-2019 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 09-05-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

The Canvas Student Activity tool allows faculty to view and print a student's last day of activity in a course.

Activate the Student Activity Tool

The Student Activity tool is not turned on by default; it must first be activated. To do so:

  1. On the Canvas Dashboard, in the left navigation panel, click the Courses button.
  2. In the Courses menu that displays, select the name of the course.

    Select your course in Canvas
    Figure 1: Select your course from the Courses menu.

  3. In left Course Navigation menu, select the Settings link.
  4. On the Settings screen, select the Navigation tab.
  5. In the Student Activity row, click the ellipsis icon .

    Select Student Activity
    Figure 2: Click the ellipsis at the far right of the Student Activity option.

  6. In the pop-up menu that displays, select Enable.
  7. The Student Activity link will now appear in the left Course Navigation menu.

    Student Activity in the Course menu
    Figure 3: Student Activity is now display in the Course Navigation menu.


Run a Student Activity Report

To run a report using the Student Activity tool:

  1. In the left Course Navigation menu, select the Student Activity link.
  2. From the Student Name drop-down menu, select the student's name.

    Select the Student Name
    Figure 4: Select the name of the student from the drop-down.

  3. Click the Run Report button.

    Screen capture of Run Report button.

  4. You can save the report as a PDF by clicking the Save as PDF button.

    Screen capture of Save as P D F button.