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CRCS: Submit a Proposal to Drop an Undergraduate Minor Program in Curriculum: 1 Begin the Proposal Creation Process


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 09-05-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

To begin the process of creating a proposal to drop an undergraduate minor program in the Curriculum Review and Consultation System (CRCS):

  1. On the CRCS home page in the navigation menu in the upper left, select the Proposals link.
    Screen capture of navigation menu with Proposals selected.

    Select the Proposals link.
  2. In the proposals menu that appears, select the Create Proposal link. The Create Proposal screen will display
    Screen capture of proposal menu with Create Proposal selected.

    Select Create Proposal.
  3. From the Degree Level drop-down menu, select Undergraduate.
  4. From the Proposal Type drop-down menu, select MINOR.
  5. From the Action drop-down menu, select DROP.
  6. From the Program Type drop-down menu, select Stand Alone.
  7. From the College With Curricular Responsibility drop-down menu, select the applicable college.
  8. From the Program You Wish To Modify drop-down menu, select the appropriate minor program.
    Screen capture of Create Proposal screen.

    Select the program.
  9. Click Next.