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CRCS: Curriculum Proposal Life Cycle


2.0 - Updated on 11-06-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 09-05-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

Check the Status of a Proposal

To check where a proposal is in the life cycle, go to the Curriculum Review and Consultation System (CRCS) home page. In the My Proposals section, hover over the i icon in the Workflow Status column to open a pop-up panel displaying the status of your proposal submission. The bolded text signifies the current workflow step of your proposal.

Screen capture of lowercase i icon in a proposal listing under My Proposals clicked to display WorkFlow Steps pop-up panel.

Hover over the i icon for a proposal listing to open WorkFlow Steps pop-up panel.

Send a Proposal for Formal Consultation

To send a proposal to a consultation group for review:

  1. On the CRCS home page in the My Proposals section, select the Proposal ID or Designation of the proposal you would like to send for review.
    Screen capture of selecting the Designation of a proposal in My Proposals section of Home page.

    Select the Proposal ID or Designation of the proposal.
  2. From the Navigation drop-down menu in the upper right, select Request Consultation.
    Screen capture of selecting Request Consultation from proposal navigation pull-down menu.

    From the proposal Navigation drop-down menu, select Request Consultation.
  3. Select the check box next to the appropriate consultation group, then click the Submit Request For Consultation button.
    Screen capture of consultation group checked and Submit Request for Consultation button.

    Select consultation group, then click Submit Request For Consultation.

NOTE: If there are mandatory college level groups that apply to your proposal, you must consult with the entire group. There may or may not be a period of time after which the request is automatically completed. Any consultation requested must be completed before you will be permitted to send the proposal forward to the college administrative group. Once all consultation is complete, you will then be able to send the proposal to the college administrative group. You may be required to respond to a consultant's review if they did not concur.

Once the request is submitted, the recipient will receive an email notifying the request.

Send a Proposal to the College Administrative Group

To send a proposal to the college administrative group:

  1. On the CRCS Home page in the My Proposals section, select the Proposal ID or Designation of the proposal.
    Screen capture of My Proposals section of Home page with a proposal designation selected.

    Select the Proposal ID or Designation.
  2. From the Navigation drop-down menu in the upper right, select Send to College Administrators.
    Screen capture of proposal navigation menu with Send To College Administrators selected.

    Select Send To College Administrators from the Navigation drop-down menu.
    NOTE: Depending on the types and stages of your proposal, the drop-down menu might vary from proposal to proposal.
  3. If all rules are met, the Send Proposal To College Proposal Administrators For Approval button will be available. Click the button.
    Screen capture of Send Proposal To College Proposal Administrators For Approval button.

    Click the Send Proposal To College Proposal Administrators For Approval button.
    NOTE: Before clicking this button, make sure that all information is correct. Once the proposal is sent for review by the College Administrator, changes can no longer be made.

How to Respond to a Non-Concur or Pending Review

There may be times when you are required to respond to a non-concur or pending review. When this occurs, in the My Proposals section of the Home page, you will see an alert icon (red triangle with exclamation point) to the left of the proposal listing. To respond to a non-concurred request:

  1. Click the alert icon next to the proposal. The Actionable Items screen will display.
    Screen capture of alert icon.

    Click the alert icon.
  2. Select the Respond To Comment link.
    Screen capture of Actionable Items screen.

    Select the Respond To Comment link.
  3. In the Response text box, enter your response to justify any changes you have made to the proposal.
    Screen capture of Response text area and Submit Response button.

    Enter your response.
  4. Click the Submit Response button. Once the response is submitted, the proposal is ready to be sent to the college administrators for review.

NOTE: Refer to Send a Proposal to College Administrative Group and follow the steps to send a proposal to the college administrators without waiting for a further response from the consultants.