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CRCS: Submit a Proposal to Change an Undergraduate Minor Program in Curriculum: 5 Objectives and Justification Form


2.0 - Updated on 11-06-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 09-05-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

In this step, you will do the following:

All or part of this information will be published in the Board of Trustees agenda.

  1. In the Objectives of the Proposed Program text area, enter the program objectives, keeping in mind criteria listed in the first bullet point above.
  2. In the Justification for the Program text area, enter the program justification, keeping in mind criteria listed in the second bullet point above.
  3. In the Justification for the Program Change text area, enter the justification for the program change, keeping in mind the criteria listed in the third bullet point above.
    Screen capture of Objectives and Justification Form.

    Justification for the Program Change is required.
  4. Click Next.