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CRCS: Submit a Proposal to Add an Undergraduate Major Program in Curriculum: 6 Program Bulletin Outline Step 1


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 08-21-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

In this step, you will enter the faculty member(s) in charge of the program, the description and accreditation of the program, an option description if applicable, and courses created for the program.

  1. In the Member(s) in Charge of Program/Degree section, enter the faculty member's User ID or Name; as you begin to type, a list of suggestions from the Penn State directory will pop up, from which you can select.
  2. Once you add the faculty member, an Additional Faculty Details panel displays, with his/her title, campus, and contact information from the Penn State directory. You can edit this information as needed.
    Screen capture of Members in Charge of Program slash Degree on Program Bulletin Outline Step 1 screen.

    Review the Additional Faculty Details provided, and edit as needed.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. If more than one faculty member is responsible, in the blank Add Faculty Member form that displays below the first name, repeat the process of adding the next person as described above.
  5. In the Program Description text area, enter the program description and any accreditation, if applicable.
    Screen capture of Program Description text area.

    Enter the program description.
  6. If you specified two or more options on the Program Definition screen, in the Option Descriptions section, enter a description of each option.
    NOTE: If you did not specify any options, this section will not be displayed.
    Screen capture of Option Descriptions section of Program Bulletin Outline Step 1 screen.

    Enter a description of each option.
  7. Click Next.