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CRCS: Submit a Proposal to Add an Undergraduate Major Program in Curriculum: 8 Prescribed, Additional, and Supporting Courses


2.0 - Updated on 11-20-2020 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

1.0 - Authored on 08-21-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

This page will repeat if options were specified in Entrance and/or Retention to Major section.

  1. Under Common Requirements for the Major (All Options), enter the Minimum Credits and Maximum Credits.
    Screen capture of Common Requirements For the Major section of Prescribed, Additional, and Supporting Courses screen.

    Enter Common Requirements For The Major minimum and maximum credits.
  2. In the Prescribed Courses section, enter the Minimum Credits and Maximum Credits for prescribed courses.
    Screen capture of Prescribed courses Minimum Credits and Maximum Credits fields.

    Enter the Prescribed Courses minimum and maximum credits.
    NOTE: A credit calculator can be displayed or hidden by clicking the calculator icon to the right of the maximum credits field. This may be used to calculate the minimum and maximum credits for the overall section. If the minimum and maximum credits do not calculate within the range entered for the overall section, a warning will appear and you will not be able to continue until the credits are within the range.
  3. To insert each prescribed course, click the Insert a Course (book) icon. A panel will display with course settings.
    Screen capture of Prescribed Courses section with book icon to insert a course.

    Click the Insert a Course icon.
  4. Enter the Abbreviation of the first prescribed course. A drop-down list of existing courses will display, from which you can select. Much of the remaining fields will automatically populate with information.
    Screen capture of course information panel.

    Course settings panel
    NOTE: Some guidelines for adding courses:
    • For new courses, enter the additional information.
    • Additional Courses, Supporting Courses, and Further Clarification areas are optional.
    • Enter 0 for number of credits when an area is non-applicable.
    • Be sure to enter at least 15 credits of 400-level courses.
    • Be sure to enter at least one Writing Across the Curriculum course.
    • Organize courses alphabetically within each semester grouping.
  5. The Footnote field will not be automatically filled in. To enter a footnote, from the Select a Footnote drop-down menu, select the appropriate option.
    NOTE: Selecting the i icon to the left of the Footnote field label will open a new window that offers more information about each of the footnotes.
    Screen capture of Select a Footnote pull-down menu.

    Select A Footnote menu
  6. Next to Course Designation(s), select one or more course designation check boxes.
    NOTE: Selecting the i icon will open a new window that offers more information about each of the course designations.
  7. If you are going to group the courses together to meet a semester range, from the Connector drop-down menu, select , (AND) to group them.
    Screen capture of Connector pull-down menu with and selected.

    Connector drop-down list
  8. Select the Save; Add More link if you are adding courses to a grouping, then add those courses as described above.
  9. To end the grouping, in the settings for the last course, from the Connector drop-down menu select Sem: (End Group).
  10. In the Semester Range field that displays, enter a semester range, which is expressed in the numbers 1-8. For example, 1-2 will mean the course group must be taken in the student's first two semesters.
    Screen capture of Connector set to Sem End Group and semester range field.

    Enter the Semester Range.
  11. For the last course in a grouping, select the Save link.
    NOTE: There are four icons next to the courses once you add them:
    • trash can icon: clicking this deletes the course.
    • pencil icon: clicking this enables you to open the text fields and edit the course.
    • down arrow: clicking this moves the course down the list.
    • up arrow: clicking this moves the course up the list.
  12. In the Additional Courses section, enter the Minimum Credits and Maximum Credits for additional courses.
  13. To add an existing course, click the Insert a Course (book) icon.
    Screen capture of Insert a Course book icon in Additional Courses section.

    Click the Insert a Course icon
    NOTE: The Insert Text (T) icon is for entering descriptive text, such as "Select six credits from the following courses," and NOT for entering the courses themselves.
  14. Follow steps 4-8 above to add the additional course(s).
  15. To group additional courses, you would want to use the connector in the course row for connecting directly to another subsequent course.
    NOTE: You would use the group connector when connecting groups. So for the last course of a group you would NOT select the connector from the course row. To connect a group, select the Insert a Group or Group Connector (puzzle piece) Icon.
    Screen capture of Insert a group or group connector puzzle piece icon in Additional Courses section.

    Click the Insert a Group or Group Connector icon
    NOTE: When adding an additional course that has a cross listing with another course, type one course abbreviation and number in the appropriate text box. The Cross Listing(s) will automatically appear below the Course Designation(s) line.
  16. In the Group Connector drop-down menu, leave Begin Group: ( selected.
    Group connector pull-down menu with Begin Group selected.

    Leave Begin Group: ( selected.
  17. Enter additional courses as described above.
  18. If you would like to provide options between two group sections, you may use the group connector. The AND connector option can be used to specify that selections must be maintained from both groups.
    Screen capture of group connector pull-down menu with AND selected.

    From the Group Connector drop-down menu, select AND.
  19. The OR connector option will specify that the selection can be made from either group.
    Screen capture of Group Connector pull-down menu with OR selected.

    Selecting OR from the Group Connector pull-down menu
  20. To end the group, select End Group from the Group Connector drop-down menu.
    Screen capture of Group Connector pull-down menu with End Group selected.

    Selecting End Group:) from the Group Connector pull-down menu
    NOTE: As you create a group, you will have a visual representation of the groupings, complete with arrows to nest the groupings.
    Screen capture of course groupings in Additional Courses section.

    Visual representation of course groupings
  21. Supporting courses can be added in the Supporting Courses section. First, enter the Minimum Credits and Maximum Credits.
  22. Add the supporting courses via text entry.
  23. In the Further Clarification text box, add any further justification for the courses.
  24. Click Next.

NOTE: For more detailed examples, refer to the following articles.

Simple example: Liberal Arts History Major

Complex example: Business Accounting Major