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Canvas: Merge Course Manager


6.0 - Updated on 08-29-2023 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

5.0 - Updated on 03-15-2021 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

4.0 - Updated on 06-12-2020 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

3.0 - Updated on 04-23-2020 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

2.0 - Updated on 08-13-2019 by Daniel Travis (drt82)

1.0 - Authored on 08-08-2017 by Vilma Shu (vbs5182)

A merged course in Canvas refers to a course that has had one or more other sections added into it. Each of the original courses becomes a course section in the merged course.

  1. From your Canvas Dashboard, click the Merge Course Manager button on the right side of the screen to select the existing courses you want to merge into a single course.

    Click the Merge Course Manager button at the right.
    Figure 1: Click the Merge Course Manager button on the right side of the Canvas Dashboard.

  2. The Confirmation of Educational or Pedagogical Purpose of Canvas Section Merge screen displays and details the acceptable and unacceptable instances for merging sections:

    Merge Course information
    Figure 2: The Confirmation of Educational or Pedagogical Purpose of Canvas Section Merge screen.

  3. The instructor of record for the course must acknowledge understanding of acceptable instances to merge sections and provide consent by clicking the Yes button at the bottom of the screen. If the reason for merging does not meet the established criteria, click Cancel to exit.

  4. The Create Merged Course screen displays from which you can merge courses or edit an existing merged course.

For questions about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and online course sites that involve more than one enrollment section, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at 814-863-3681 or Additional information can be found on the FERPA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the University Registrar website.

Time to Create Merged Course

The courses are merged instantly.

Important Note

From within the merged course, you can see which courses were merged by clicking Settings from the course navigation menu and then selecting the Sections tab. The Course Sections displays the base course and any courses that were merged into the base course.